"During Uttar Pradesh assembly elections, yogi adityanath promised that if he comes back to power, he will deal with criminals with bulldozer. He had also said that he will ensure criminals' heat is taken off. Garmi nikal denge. That won him elections too. After the elections, the bulldozer has surely been run on the pockets of common man, the dreams of common man. Generally, new year comes with good news. But, the new financial year brings with it certain policy and rule changes. that happens every year. This year too, certain things, policies and rules are going to change from today onwards. And I should say, God Bless Middle class India. From LPG, PF to cryptocurrency, there are many changes that are going to burden your pocket. Our Associate Editor Arti Ghargi takes you through the changes one by one. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
"During Uttar Pradesh assembly elections, yogi adityanath promised that if he comes back to power, he will deal with criminals with bulldozer. He had also said that he will ensure criminals' heat is taken off. Garmi nikal denge. That won him elections too. After the elections, the bulldozer has surely been run on the pockets of common man, the dreams of common man. Generally, new year comes with good news. But, the new financial year brings with it certain policy and rule changes. that happens every year. This year too, certain things, policies and rules are going to change from today onwards. And I should say, God Bless Middle class India. From LPG, PF to cryptocurrency, there are many changes that are going to burden your pocket. Our Associate Editor Arti Ghargi takes you through the changes one by one. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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