1. Los deportes electrónicos en el marco de la propiedad intelectual Emilio Román
  2. The Power to Destroy: How the Antitax Movement Hijacked America Michael J. Graetz
  3. The Business Owner's Guide to Choosing & Using a Solicitor Bart Daly
  4. Tax the Rich!: How Lies, Loopholes, and Lobbyists Make the Rich Even Richer Morris Pearl
  5. Essential Tax Knowledge Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Taxes Made Simple and Tax Strategies and Bennett Wood
  6. Hacienda pública - 11 edición Juan Camilo Restrepo
  7. A Law unto Itself: Power, Politics and the IRS David Burnham
  8. A Protest against Law-Taxes: Challenging Legal Taxes: Bentham's Call for Reform Jeremy Bentham
  9. Understanding Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing C.R. Wesley
  10. Derecho Tributario Peruano – Vol. III: Impuesto al valor agregado (IGV) Francisco Ruiz de Castilla
  11. Derecho Tributario Peruano – Vol. I: Principios y fundamentos Francisco Ruiz de Castilla
  12. Derecho Tributario Peruano – Vol. II: Impuesto a la renta Francisco Ruiz de Castilla
  13. El nuevo Impuesto de Plusvalía municipal Antonio Abeleira Navarro
  14. Larry's 2011 Tax Guide for U.S. Expats & Green Card Holders....in User-Friendly English! Laurence E. 'Larry'
  15. Larry's 2015 U.S. Tax Guide for U.S. Expats, Green Card Holders and Non-Resident Aliens in User-Friendly English Laurence E. 'Larry'
  16. Larry's 2016 U.S. Tax Guide 'Supplement' for U.S. Expats, Green Card Holders and Non-Resident Aliens in User Friendly English Laurence E. 'Larry'
  17. Todo sobre el IRPF José Añez Sánchez
  18. Todo sobre el I.R.P.F. (Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas) Equipo Jurídico DVE
  19. Las facultades discrecionales de la autoridad fiscal Lizzeth Aguirre Osuna
  20. Los trucos de los ricos 2ª parte: 92 trucos para comprar inmuebles, crear tu propio patrimonio y vivir de las rentas Juan Haro
  21. Summary of Frazer Rice's Wealth, Actually IRB Media
  22. The Hidden Wealth Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens Gabriel Zucman
  23. Death and Taxes: How SARS made hitmen, drug dealers and tax dodgers pay their dues Johann van Loggerenberg
  24. Asociación ilícita tributaria, moratorias, blanqueos, política criminal y derechos humanos Patricia A. Cozzo Villafañe
  25. Precios de transferencia Enrique Díaz Tong
  26. Tributación de las transacciones internacionales Eleonora Lozano Rodríguez
  27. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in California: A Step-by-step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes Are Fulfilled for California Residents (Back-To-Basics) Linda C. Ashar
  28. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in Texas: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for Texas Residents Linda Ashar
  29. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in Illinois: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for Illinois Residents Linda Ashar
  30. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in Ohio: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for Ohio Residents Linda C. Ashar
  31. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in Michigan: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for Michigan Residents Linda C. Ashar
  32. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in Georgia: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for Georgia Residents Linda Ashar
  33. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in North Carolina: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for North Carolina Residents Linda C. Ashar
  34. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in New Jersey: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for New Jersey Residents Linda C. Ashar
  35. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in Virginia: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for Virginia Residents Linda C. Ashar
  36. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in Indiana: A Step-by-Step Plan to Protect Your Assets, Limit Your Taxes, and Ensure Your Wishes are Fulfilled for Indiana Residents Linda C. Ashar
  37. Derecho Tributario Peruano Vol. I (2da. edición): Principios y fundamentos Francisco Javier Ruiz de Castilla Ponce de León
  38. Derecho Tributario Peruano Vol. II (2da. edición): Impuesto a la Renta. Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IGV) Francisco Javier Ruiz de Castilla Ponce de León
  39. Derecho tributario: temas básicos (2da. edición) Francisco Ruiz de Castilla
  40. Los 7 Trucos Secretos Para Pagar Menos Impuestos y Proteger tu Patrimonio: Más allá de la elusión fiscal, estrategias de optimización y evasión para emprendedores libertarios LIBERTAD FISCAL
  41. Código Aduanero comentado. Tomo VI: Procedimientos aduaneros (Art. 1001 a 1183) Guillermo Felipe Coronel
  42. Código Aduanero comentado. Tomo IV: Tributos y estímulos (Art. 635 a 859) Guillermo Felipe Coronel
  43. Confessions of a Tax Collector: One Man's Tour of Duty Inside the IRS Richard Yancey
  44. Principles of Taxation Filip Debelva
  45. Backcountry Democracy and the Whiskey Insurrection: The Legal Culture and Trials, 1794-1795 Linda Myrsiades
  46. U.S. Taxes for Worldly Americans: The Traveling Expat's Guide to Living, Working, and Staying Tax Compliant Abroad (Updated for 2025) Olivier Wagner
  47. FairTax: The Truth: Answering the Critics Neal Boortz
  48. Los ricos no pagan IRPF: Claves para afrontar el debate fiscal Carlos Cruzado
  49. Hacienda Pública: 10 Edición Juan Camilo Restrepo
  50. Cláusula general antiabuso: Del análisis teórico a la aplicación práctica Héctor Gustavo Ramírez Pardo