The Secrets of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean: An In-Depth Journey into Ancient Wisdom, Esoteric Knowledge, and the Power of Self-Transformation Robert Sandoval2.5
Cartomancy and Celtic Symbolism: An Essential Guide to Card Divination and Ancient Pagan Symbols Mari Silva
La magia popular y gitana: Una guía completa sobre el paganismo nórdico, la brujería, el curanderismo, la magia judía, la cábala, la brujería romaní y mucho más Mari Silva
Dark Goddesses: Unveil Secret Power of Lilith, Morrigan, Hekate and more, With rituals, exercises, meditations to Unlock Your inner Goddess Templum Dianae Media
A Modern Guide to Heathenry: Lore, Celebrations, and Mysteries of the Northern Traditions Galina Krasskova4
Hekate Liminal Rites: A Study of the Rituals, Magic and Symbols of the Torch-Bearing Triple Goddess of the Crossroads Sorita d'Este4.6
Celtic Paganism Exposed: Embracing the Celtic Gods: A Comprehensive Guide to Celtic Paganism Arthur Clark
Unmasking Celtic Paganism: The Ancient Path of Druids: Exploring the Beliefs and Practices of Celtic Paganism Lily Adams
Seidr: The Gate is Open: The Gate is Open: Working with Trance Prophecy, the High Seat and Norse Witchcraft Katie Gerrard4.2
Paganismo para principiantes: Una guía esencial de las prácticas paganas celtas, nórdicas, eslavas, germánicas, griegas y la Rueda del Año Mari Silva
Runas nórdicas y Trolldom: Una guía de símbolos rúnicos, adivinación rúnica, hechizos y magia nórdica tradicional de Suecia, Noruega, Dinamarca y Finlandia Mari Silva
Classical Tales of Mythology: Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Ancient Rome and Greece Nathaniel Hawthorne4
Spellcraft for a Magical Year: Rituals and Enchantments for Prosperity, Power, and Fortune Sarah Bartlett
Crystals and Sacred Sites: Use Crystals to Access the Power of Sacred Landscapes for Personal and Planetary Transformation Judy Hall
Know What's Coming: incl. Bonus – Recognize changes & crises in advance, overcome fears, read people & learn psychology, act effectively through intuition floor talk & informal communication Simone Janson
Living the Faery Life: A Guide to Connecting with the Magic, Power and Joy of the Enchanted Realm Kac Young
Ancient Mythology: Captivating Stories, Magic, Mystery & Legendary Myths of The World Throughout History Revealed Sofia Visconti
Ancient Mythology: Captivating Stories, Magic, Mystery & Legendary Myths of The World Throughout History Revealed Sofia Visconti3.8
The Witchcraft Collection (Volume Two): Dictionary of Mysticism, Encyclopedia of Superstitions, and Dictionary of Magic Harry E. Wedeck
Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Critical Appropriation of Russian Religious Thought Jennifer Newsome Martin
When Someone You Love is Wiccan: A Guide to Witchcraft and Paganism for Concerned Friends, Nervous Parents, and Curious Coworkers Carl McColman