1. Cuando te encuentre Nicholas Sparks
  2. Babylon: The Ancient Wonder of Mesopotamia Josie Hertz
  3. The Master Plan: ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy for Final Victory Brian Fishman
  4. Saddam Hussein: Warmonger, Invader, Dictator, and Oil Trader Kelly Mass
  5. History of Iran: Events, Turning Points, Religion, and Empirical Conquests Kelly Mass
  6. History of the Middle East: Various Aspects of the Region (6 in 1) Kelly Mass
  7. The Kurds: History of a Forgotten Ethnic Minority Kelly Mass
  8. Darius the Great: Biography of the Persian Ruler during the Achaemenid Empire Kelly Mass
  9. Battle Scars: Twenty Years Later: 3d Battalion 5th Marines Looks Back at the Iraq War and How it Changed Their Lives Chip Reid
  10. Always a Soldier: Service, Sacrifice, and Coming Out as America’s Favorite Black, Gay Republican Rob Smith
  11. Historia de Mesopotamia: Una guía fascinante sobre las antiguas civilizaciones, ciudades e imperios de Iraq, Irán, Siria y Turquía Captivating History
  12. El Imperio acadio: Una guía fascinante del primer imperio antiguo de Mesopotamia y de cómo Sargón el Grande de Acad conquistó las ciudades-estado sumerias Captivating History
  13. Uruk: The First City and Its Vanished Glory Minerva Smith
  14. The Rise of Isis: The Formation and Impact of the Islamic State in the 21st Century Fredrich Hazelton
  15. The Syrian Civil War: Conflict, Humanitarian Crisis, and the Struggle for Power Fredrich Hazelton
  16. The Art of the Ancient Near East: Early Civilizations and Their Art Haya Vent
  17. Heroine Mary Jane Wells
  18. Sirens: How to Pee Standing Up—An Alarming Memoir of Combat and Coming Back Home Laura Naylor Colbert
  19. Heart for the Fight: A Marine Hero's Journey from the Battlefields of Iraq to Mixed Martial Arts Champion John R. Bruning
  20. McCoy's Marines: Darkside to Baghdad John Koopman
  21. Predator: The Remote-Control Air War over Iraq and Afghanistan: A Pilot's Story Matt Martin
  22. Into the Viper's Nest: The First Pivotal Battle of the Afghan War Stephen Grey
  23. Liberate and Leave: Fatal Flaws in the Early Strategy for Postwar Iraq Don Eberly
  24. Headhunter: 5-73 Cav and Their Fight for Iraq's Diyala River Valley Peter C. Svoboda
  25. Across Cultures and Empires: An Immigrant's Odyssey from the Soviet Army to the US War in Iraq and American Citizenship Mahir Ibrahimov
  26. The Blind Strategist: John Boyd and the American Art of War Stephen Robinson
  27. Grey Wars: A Contemporary History of U.S. Special Operations N.W. Collins
  28. Back in Action: An American Soldier’s Story of Courage, Faith, and Fortitude David Rozelle
  29. The Mandate for Mesopotamia: The History and Legacy of British Occupation and Iraq’s Independence after World War I Charles River Editors
  30. Summary and Analysis of Thank You for Your Service: Based on the Book by David Finkel Worth Books
  31. Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East Oscar E. Gilbert
  32. Shade It Black: Death and After in Iraq Jess Goodell
  33. The CIA War in Kurdistan: The Untold Story of the Northern Front in the Iraq War Sam Faddis
  34. The Fires of Babylon: Eagle Troop and the Battle of 73 Easting Mike Guardia
  35. Why Soldiers Miss War: The Journey Home Nolan Peterson
  36. Baghdaddy: How Saddam Hussein Taught Me to Be a Better Father Bill Riley
  37. International Reporting: The War in Iraq Anthony Shadid
  38. Hearts and Mines: With the Marines in al Anbar: A Story of Psychological Warfare in Iraq Russell Snyder
  39. Thunder Run: The Armored Strike to Capture Baghdad David Zucchino
  40. War on Two Fronts: An Infantry Commander's War in Iraq and the Pentagon Christopher Hughes
  41. Saddam Hussein: A Political Biography Efraim Karsh
  42. The Lieutenant Don't Know: One Marine's Story of Warfare and Combat Logistics in Afghanistan Jeff Clement
  43. Awakening Victory: How Iraqi Tribes and American Troops Reclaimed Al Anbar and Defeated Al Qaeda in Iraq Michael Silverman
  44. Blood Money: Stories of an Ex-Recce's Missions in Iraq Johan Raath
  45. Why We Lost: A General's Inside Account of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Daniel P. Bolger
  46. Journey Among Brave Men Dana Adams Schmidt
  47. One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer Nathaniel Fick
  48. America's Modern Wars: Understanding Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam Christopher A. Lawrence
  49. State of Terror: The War Against ISIS The Washington Post
  50. Chaplain Turner's War Moni Basu