

  1. Sapiens. Da animali a dèi: breve storia dell'umanità Yuval Noah Harari
  2. Femminili singolari Vera Gheno
  3. 21 lezioni per il XXI secolo Yuval Noah Harari
  4. Eroi Giorgio Ieranò
  5. La scimmia nuda Desmond Morris
  6. Manifesto Scum Valerie Solanas
  7. Non è un destino Lella Palladino
  8. Prove tecniche di resurrezione Antonio Polito
  9. Homo Deus Yuval Noah Harari
  10. A Joosr Guide to... Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser: What The All-American Meal is Doing to the World Joosr
  11. Guns, Germs, & Steel by Jared Diamond | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review (The Fates of Human Societies): The Fates of Human Societies IRB Media
  12. Hype: How Scammers, Grifters, Con Artists and Influencers Are Taking Over the Internet – and Why We're Following Gabrielle Bluestone
  13. La articulación etnográfica: Descubrimiento y trabajo de campo en la investigación de Esther Hermitte Rosana Guber
  14. Hungry: Avocado Toast, Instagram Influencers, and Our Search for Connection and Meaning Eve Turow-Paul
  15. Para leer la apropiación digital: Una transformación de las prácticas culturales Delia Crovi Druetta
  16. Si Venecia muere Salvatore Settis
  17. ¿Murió Hitler en el bunker? Eric Frattini
  18. La CIA en el vaticano Eric Frattini
  19. Avventura dell'uomo Piero Scanziani
  20. Material: Making and the Art of Transformation Nick Kary
  21. La antropología frente a los problemas del mundo moderno Claude Lévi Strauss
  22. Todos somos caníbales Claude Lévi Strauss
  23. Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial: apropiación y resistencias Susana Andrade Orellana
  24. Down Country Lanes, Behind Abandoned Houses Keith V. Bletzer
  25. The Autobiography of Wilhelm Stekel - The Life Story of a Pioneer Psychoanalyst Wilhelm Stekel
  26. Giving A Damn: Racism, Romance and Gone with the Wind Patricia Williams
  27. Ancient Bones: Unearthing the Astonishing New Story of How We Became Human Madelaine Böhme
  28. Etnografías nómades: Teoría y práctica antropológica (pos)colonial Leticia Katzer
  29. ¿Sexo contra sexo o clase contra clase? Evelyn Reed
  30. Desde mi corazón Helen Flix
  31. Noise Daniel Kahneman
  32. Política cultural y desacuerdo Alexandre Barbalho
  33. Archaeologies of Violence and Privilege
  34. Los límites de la cultura: Crítica de las teorías de la identidad Alejandro Grimson
  35. Varón + Mujer = complementariedad Patricia Debelijuh
  36. Vinculación y autonomía a través de los cuentos Rafa Guerrero
  37. Creation Stories: Landscapes and the Human Imagination Anthony Aveni
  38. Post-War Identification: Everyday Muslim Counterdiscourse in Bosnia Herzegovina Torsten Kolind
  39. After Henry: Essays Joan Didion
  40. Ciencias sociales y humanas en la Orinoquia y la Amazonia Wolfgang Kapfhammer
  41. Familias en la modernidad: una mirada desde Villavicencio Milcíades Vizcaíno Gutiérrez
  42. Falling in Love Grant Allen
  43. Togetherness: A New Heritage Deal for Europe Hermann Parzinger
  44. The Todas: Unveiling The Unique Culture of The Todas W.H.R.Rivers
  45. The Way We Civilise: Exploring the Evolution of Societal Norms and Cultural Development Carl Adolf Feilberg
  46. Popular medicine, customs and superstitions of the Rio Grande: Exploring Traditional Healing and Superstitions in Rio Grande Culture John Gregory Bourke
  47. The Euahlayi Tribe: A Study of Aboriginal Life in Australia: Exploring the Indigenous Way of Life in Colonial Australia Catherine Eliza Somerville Stow
  48. The Relations of the Advanced and the Backward Races of Mankind: Exploring the Dynamics of Civilization and Cultural Diversity James Bryce
  49. In Humboldt's Shadow: A Tragic History of German Ethnology H. Glenn Penny
  50. Peru as It Is Archibald Smith