Reckoning with History: Settler Colonialism, Slavery, and the Making of American ChristianityWilliam Yoo
The Shaping of Black Identities: Redefining the Generations through the Legacy of Race and CultureJimmie R. Hawkins
An Introduction to the Old Testament, Third Edition: The Canon and Christian ImaginationWalter Brueggemann5
A Bigger Table, Expanded Edition with Study Guide: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual CommunityJohn Pavlovitz
Getting to the Promised Land: Black America and the Unfinished Work of the Civil Rights MovementKevin W. Cosby
Connections: A Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship: Year C, Volume 2, Lent through Pentecost
Money and Possessions: Interpretation: Resources for the Use of Scripture in the ChurchWalter Brueggemann
50 Ways to Help Save the Earth, Revised Edition: How You and Your Church Can Make a DifferenceRebecca Barnes
"Let the Monster Perish": The Historic Address to Congress of Henry Highland GarnetHenry Highland Garnet
Readings in the History of Christian Theology, Volume 1, Revised Edition: From Its Beginnings to the Eve of the ReformationWilliam C. Placher