The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life Mark Manson4.2
The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store Cait Flanders3.9
10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found a Self-Help That Actually Works--A True Story Dan Harris4.2
Awestruck: How Embracing Wonder Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Connected Jonah Paquette3.5
The Giving Way to Happiness: Stories and Science Behind the Life-Changing Power of Giving Jenny Santi3
The Happiness Track: How to Apply the Science of Happiness to Accelerate Your Success Emma Seppala4.3
21 Days to Resilience: How to Transcend the Daily Grind, Deal with the Tough Stuff, and Discover Your Strongest Self Zelana Montminy3.5
Lagom: Not Too Little, Not Too Much – The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life: Not Too Little, Not Too Much: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life Niki Brantmark4
How to Lead in a World of Distraction: Four Simple Habits for Turning Down the Noise Clay Scroggins3.5
Around the World on 50 Bucks: How I Left With Little and Returned a Rich Man: How I Left with Nothing and Returned a Rich Man Christopher Schacht4.3
How Happiness Happens: Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations Max Lucado4.2
The Clutter Connection: How Your Personality Type Determines Why You Organize the Way You Do Cassandra Aarssen4.4
SuperBetter: How a gameful life can make you stronger, happier, braver and more resilient Jane McGonigal4.5