Latinidad, Identity Formation, and the Mass Media Landscape: Constructing Pocho Villa Dr Gabriel A. Cruz PhD
Våldtäkt och kultur : en undersökning av relationen mellan invandring och sexualbrott Ann Heberlein4.5
On Many Routes: Internal, European, and Transatlantic Migration in the Late Habsburg Empire Annemarie Steidl
White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era Shelby Steele4.3
Immigration Law and Policy in Brazil: assessing a presumable shift from the perspective of immigrants as threats towards subjects of rights Luciane B. D. Pivetta
Hvad ved vi om indvandring og integration?: Indvandringen til Danmark og forløbet af integrationen fra 1960'erne til i dag Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed2