
  1. Öðruvísi, ekki síðri: Handbók skynsegin manneskju um hvernig er hægt að fagna sínu sanna sjálfi og lifa góðu lífu upp frá því Chloé Hayden
  2. Þernan Nita Prose
  3. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine Gail Honeyman
  4. Sá einhverfi og við hin Jóna Á Gísladóttir
  5. Standard Deviation Katherine Heiny
  6. Understanding Autism: The essential guide for parents Katrina Williams
  7. Motiverande samtal vid autism och adhd, 2:a utgåvan Liria Ortiz
  8. Autism Education: The Way I See It: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know Temple Grandin
  9. Relating While Autistic: Fixed Signals for Neurodivergent Couples Wendela Whitcomb Marsh
  10. Recognizing Autism in Women and Girls: Opening Doors to Success Wendela Whitcomb Marsh
  11. The Teen Guide to Sensory Issues Rachel S. Scheider
  12. Social Detective Academy: How to Become a Social Detective and Solve Social Mysteries Like a Pro Jeffrey E. Jessum
  13. Prescription for Success: Supporting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Medical Environment Jill Hudson
  14. Social Engagement & the Steps to Being Social: A Practical Guide for Teaching Social Skills to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Kathleen Taylor, ORL/L
  15. Temple Talks about Autism and the Older Child Temple Grandin
  16. Sensorimotor Interventions: Using Movement to Improve Overall Body Function Cara Koscinski
  17. Making Sense: A Guide to Sensory Issues Rachel S. Schneider
  18. In My World Jillian Ma
  19. Autism Calming the Chaos!: Strategies for Understanding and Supporting Meltdowns. Luis Barros
  20. FLIPP the Switch 2.0: Mastering Executive Function Skills from School to Adult Life for Students with Autism Sheri Wilkins
  21. The Potty Journey: Guide to Toilet Training Children with Special Needs, Including Autism and Related Disorders Judith A. CouCouvanis
  22. The Autism Nest Model: An Inclusive Education Framework for Autistic Children
  23. Be a Friend: PEERspective on Autism Jennifer M. Schmidt
  24. Peer Play and the Autism Spectrum: The Art of Guiding Children's Socialization and Imagination Pamela J. Wolfberg, PhD
  25. The SPA Treatment: How an independent artist hacked the mood machine and got his music on Spotify's editorial playlists and gained 28 million streams Alexander Forselius
  26. Psychobabble: Viral Mental Health Myths & the Truths to Set You Free Joe Nucci, LPC
  27. A Lie Someone Told You About Yourself Peter Ho Davies
  28. Tressing Motions at the Edge of Mistakes: Poems Imane Boukaila
  29. SPA Treatment: Hur en svensk artist kunde hacka the mood machine och komma med på Spotifys redaktionella spellistor Alexander Forselius
  30. The Social Learning Profile: A team discussion tool for the development of respectful and successful behavioral plans for individuals with special needs and those who support them Jeff Jacobs
  31. My Sensory Book: Working Together to Explore Sensory Issues and the Big Feelings They Can Cause: A Workbook for Parents, Professionals, and Children Lauren H. Kerstein
  32. Det eksplosive barn: En ny metode til at forstå, hjælpe og opdrage børn, der er ufleksible og let bliver frustrerede Ross W. Greene
  33. Temple Did It and I Can, Too!: Nine Simple Life Rules Jennifer Gilpin Yacio
  34. Uncanny Valley Girls: Essays on Horror, Survival, and Love Zefyr Lisowski
  35. Autisterne Clara Törnvall
  36. Jävla pajas Måns Möller
  37. Hoppas jag inte råkar döda dig Malin Wendel
  38. Unusual Medicine: Essays on Autistic identity and drug addiction David Gray-Hammond
  39. Threads of Grace Kelly Long
  40. Command Magic And "autism" Thomas Wilson
  41. The Parenting Breakthrough Guide: From Chaos to Calm in Days Richard DeCicco
  42. A Grotesque Animal Amy Lee Lillard
  43. Vlad McCoy, A Unique Vampire Boy Sonia D. Hebdon
  44. Neurodiversity Unmasked: Exploring A World Often Hidden In Plain Sight R. J. Palmer
  45. S.E.N.D. In The Clowns: Autism / ADHD Family Guide Suzy Rowland
  46. Outsmarting Autism, Updated and Expanded: Build Healthy Foundations for Communication, Socialization, and Behavior at All Ages Patricia S. Lemer
  47. Hvad skal dit barn gøre uden dig Ditte Young
  48. The Vale Abigail Hing Wen
  49. ASD Dad: Embracing The Journey Of Parenting An Autistic Son TheDiggerDad
  50. Women and Girls Thrive: Unlocking Hidden Strengths: "Boost your confidence and strength with 'Women and Girls Thrive'—transformative audio lessons at your fingertips!" Dorian Ashcombe