The Last 100 Days: The Tumultuous and Controversial Story of the Final Days of World War II in Europe John Toland4.3
Inuit Mythology: A Concise Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Sagas, Rituals and Beliefs of Inuit Myths Bernard Hayes3.4
Dødsfælden Dannevirke. Kampe og tilbagetog – det dramatiske forspil til slaget ved Dybbøl 1864 Claes Johansen5
Decisions of the Red River Campaign: The Fifteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation Michael S. Lang
Decisions of the 1862 Shenandoah Valley Campaign: The Sixteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation Robert Tanner
Decisions of the Galveston Campaigns: The Twenty-One Critical Decisions That Defined the Operations Edward T. Cotham
Decisions of the Vicksburg Campaign: The Eighteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation Lawrence K. Peterson