In the run up to Sanjay Leela Bhansali's latest film Gangubai Kathiawadi, Anupama Chopra & Rahul Desai sit down to revisit the Ranbir Kapoor-Sonam Kapoor Ahuja starrer Saawariya, 15 years after its release. They discuss the romance, art director Omung Kumar's unreal sets the timeless music by Monty Sharma, being addressed the 'blue' film, the battle with Om Shanti Om, and more.
In the run up to Sanjay Leela Bhansali's latest film Gangubai Kathiawadi, Anupama Chopra & Rahul Desai sit down to revisit the Ranbir Kapoor-Sonam Kapoor Ahuja starrer Saawariya, 15 years after its release. They discuss the romance, art director Omung Kumar's unreal sets the timeless music by Monty Sharma, being addressed the 'blue' film, the battle with Om Shanti Om, and more.
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