
  1. The Lay of the Last Minstrel Sir Walter Scott
  2. The Lady of the Lake Sir Walter Scott
  3. Embrace Me Forever: Seven Conversations for Lifelong Love: A Group Discussion Vines Graener
  4. Power and Persecution: Political Influence in Inquisition Trials William Ubagan
  5. Little Women Podcast: Bringing Jo and Friedrich Story To Modern Day Niina Niskanen
  6. Little Women Podcast: Jo And Friedrich Engagement Niina Niskanen
  7. Bonee Buddhadeb Guha
  8. On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts: Unveiling the Art of Murder: A Literary Exploration of Violence and Psychology in the 19th Century Thomas de Quincey
  9. The Lady of the Lake Sir Walter Scott
  10. B. J. Harrison Reads The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  11. The Wreck of the Medusa Jonathan Miles
  12. Outsiders: The Humanity and Inhumanity of Giants in Medieval French Prose Romance Sylvia Huot
  13. The Quest of the Absolute: Birth and Decline of European Romanticism Louis Dupré
  14. Savage Economy: The Returns of Middle English Romance Walter Wadiak
  15. Catholicism and American Borders in the Gothic Literary Imagination Farrell O'Gorman
  16. The Pocket Guide to Victorian Artists & Their Models Russell James
  17. Hebrew Gothic: History and the Poetics of Persecution Karen Grumberg
  18. The Mother of the Brontës: When Maria Met Patrick Sharon Wright
  19. A History of the Vampire in Popular Culture: Love at First Bite Violet Fenn
  20. Myths of Love: Echoes of Greek and Roman Mythology in the Modern Romantic Imagination Ruth K. Westheimer
  21. Wuthering Heights The Original Manuscript Emily Brontë
  22. Europe A Prophecy (Illuminated Manuscript with the Original Illustrations of William Blake) William Blake
  23. Collected Works of Edith Wharton Edith Wharton
  24. For the Sexes: the Gates of Paradise: (Illuminated Manuscript with the Original Illustrations of William Blake) William Blake
  25. For Children: The Gates of Paradise: Illuminated Manuscript with the Original Illustrations of William Blake William Blake
  26. The Picture of Dorian Gray: The Uncensored 13 Chapter Version + The Revised 20 Chapter Version Oscar Wilde
  27. Wuthering Heights (Seasons Edition -- Winter) Emily Bronte
  28. The Lay of the Last Minstrel Sir Walter Scott
  29. The Ruins of the Abbey of Fitz-Martin: Exploring the Haunting Beauty of Abbeys and Ruins in Gothic Literature Anonymous
  30. Supernatural Horror in Literature: Unraveling the Depths of Macabre: A Journey Through Supernatural Horror Literature H.P. Lovecraft
  31. The Little Women Devotional: A Chapter-by-Chapter Companion to Louisa May Alcott's Beloved Classic Rachel Dodge
  32. Charlotte Brontë: The Complete Novels (The Greatest Novelists of All Time – Book 8) Charlotte Brontë
  33. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Victor Hugo
  34. Against Better Judgment: Irrational Action and Literary Invention in the Long Eighteenth Century Thomas Salem Manganaro
  35. The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
  36. Sonnets From the Portuguese Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  37. Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte Emily Brontë
  38. Edgar Poe and his Critics Sarah Helen Whitman
  39. The Bridal Chamber: Where Dreams Become Reality Jai Louys
  40. The Warrior and the Romans Mona Askar
  41. Poems Christina Rossetti
  42. The Picturesque Antiquities of Spain Nathaniel Armstrong Wells
  43. Self-Reliance & Other Essays Ralph Waldo Emerson
  44. Evelina Frances Burney
  45. George Morland: Sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work E. D. Cuming
  46. Romantic Love and Personal Beauty: Their development, causal relations, historic and national peculiarities Henry T. Finck
  47. Poison Romance and Poison Mysteries C. J. S. Thompson
  48. Turner W. Cosmo Monkhouse
  49. William Godwin: A Political Life Richard Gough Thomas
  50. Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poet and Revolutionary Jacqueline Mulhallen