

  1. Begum Samru: From Dancing Girl to India's only Catholic Ruler Amit Schandillia
  2. There's No Such Thing as an Easy Job Kikuko Tsumura
  3. Secrets of the Vatican Cyrus Shahrad
  4. The Wisdom and Prayers of the Pope Arcturus Publishing
  5. Sanctum Sanctorum: On the One Whose Name Is Holy Justin Mandela Roberts
  6. Communion Ecclesiology and Social Transformation in African Catholicism: Between Vatican Council II and African Synod II Idara Otu
  7. Integral Human Development: Challenges to Sustainability and Democracy Various authors
  8. Women’s Ordination in the Catholic Church John O’Brien
  9. The Bad Popes E.R. Chamberlin
  10. Mission to Kilimanjaro: The Founding History of a Catholic Mission in East Africa Alexandre Le Roy
  11. Subordinated Ethics: Natural Law and Moral Miscellany in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky Caitlin Smith Gilson
  12. A Catholic Pilgrimage through American History: People and Places that Shaped the Church in the United States Kevin Schmiesing
  13. Dialogues with God: Paths of Faith and Inner Self-Discovery Discover How Spirituality Guides You Toward Serenity and Personal Fulfillment Giacomo Miotto
  14. Evangelii Gaudium: On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World Pope Francis
  15. The Catholic Church: A Short History Hans Kung
  16. The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence
  17. Heaven or Heresy: A History of the Inquisition Thomas F. Madden
  18. Apologia Pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman’s Defense of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Doctrine and Piety (New Edition) Robert M. Andrews
  19. Saint Anthony: Ancedotes Proving the Miraculous Power of St. Anthony Ingersoll B. Lockwood
  20. The Wild Knight and Other Poems G.K. Chesterton
  21. St. Francis of Assisi G. K. Chesterton
  22. Saint Faustina Kowalska: A Life Inspired Wyatt North
  23. Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary Bob Lord
  24. The Catholic Church in the Modern Age Thomas F. Madden
  25. Advent & Christmas: Prayer for the Journey Sr. Paule Freeburg DC
  26. Pope John Paul II Bob Lord
  27. The Seven Sacraments Bob Lord
  28. The Peter Myth Karl L. Oakes
  29. The Albigensian Crusade: The History and Legacy of the Catholic Campaign against the Cathars in France Charles River Editors
  30. 1968 - Culture and Counterculture: A Catholic Critique
  31. The Mass is the Greatest Miracle Bob Lord
  32. Real Lace: America's Irish Rich Stephen Birmingham
  33. Deadly Secrets: A True Crime Anthology Richard Hammer
  34. The Vatican Connection: The True Story of a Billion-Dollar Conspiracy Between the Catholic Church and the Mafia Richard Hammer
  35. Against Popery: Britain, Empire, and Anti-Catholicism
  36. Weaving Hope: The Religious of Jesus and Mary in the United States, 1877–2017 Janice Farnham
  37. Pastoral Letter Promulgating the Jubilee: A Guide to Spiritual Renewal and Repentance in Catholic Church Tradition Martin John Spalding
  38. Preventing Unjust War: A Catholic Argument for Selective Conscientious Objection Roger Bergman
  39. Constructing Conjugal Love Ricardo E Facci
  40. A Long Way from Galilee Kevin Clarke
  41. Heroes Popes in Hard Times Bob Lord
  42. Pope Benedict XV Bob Lord
  43. Pope Francis and the Transformation of Healthcare Ethics Todd A. Salzman
  44. A Month of Prayer with St. Catherine of Siena Wyatt North
  45. God Wills It!: Understanding the Crusades Thomas F. Madden
  46. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Bob Lord
  47. Sting and Religion: The Catholic-Shaped Imagination of a Rock Icon Evyatar Marienberg
  48. I am With You: Lessons of Hope and Courage in Times of Crisis Timothy M. Dolan
  49. Arianism and Fourth Century Heresies Bob Lord
  50. The Truth about Saint Joseph: Encountering the Most Hidden of Saints Fr. Maurice Meschler, SJ