
  1. Tressing Motions at the Edge of Mistakes: Poems Imane Boukaila
  2. Cold Glitter: The Untold Story of Canadian Glam Robert Dayton
  3. The Modern A-Frame
  4. Toronto Theatres and the Golden Age of the Silver Screen Doug Taylor
  5. Wave of Terror: A Novel Theodore Odrach
  6. Coming to You Wherever You Are: MuchMusic, MTV, and Youth Identities Kip Pegley
  7. Toronto Stories Logan Bell
  8. Urban Arboreal: A Modern Glossary of City Trees Michael Jordan
  9. Enter, Night: A Novel Michael Rowe
  10. The Worm in Every Heart: Stories Gemma Files
  11. Toronto Noir
  12. Infidelity: A Novel Stacey May Fowles
  13. The Filthy Few R.D. Cain
  14. Beetle Busters: A Rogue Insect and the People Who Track It Loree Griffin Burns
  15. Moving Forward Sideways Like a Crab Shani Mootoo
  16. The Verdict on Each Man Dead David Whellams
  17. Teeth Edo van Belkom
  18. The Rebel Angels Robertson Davies
  19. The Crate: A Story of War, a Murder, and Justice Deborah Vadas Levison
  20. The Cunning Man Robertson Davies
  21. Chasing the Big Leagues: A Novel Brett Baker
  22. High Spirits Robertson Davies
  23. Wild Fires Sophie Jai
  24. The Blue Collar CEO: My Gutsy Journey from Rookie Contractor to Multi-Millionaire Construction Boss Mandy Rennehan
  25. The Barefoot Bingo Caller: A Memoir Antanas Sileika
  26. The Girl in the Middle: Growing Up Between Black and White, Rich and Poor Anais Granofsky
  27. Ring André Alexis
  28. So, You Want to Be Canadian: All About the Most Fascinating People in the World and the Magical Place They Call Home Rob Sorensen
  29. All My Friends Are Superheroes Andrew Kaufman
  30. When You Get the Chance Tom Ryan
  31. Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, a White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation Douglas Sanderson
  32. The Doc and the Duchess: The Life and Legacy of George H. A. Clowes Alexander W. Clowes
  33. Really Good, Actually Monica Heisey
  34. Then Everything Happens at Once M-E Girard
  35. Brother David Chariandy
  36. Gently to Nagasaki (Unabridged) Joy Kogawa
  37. Rebound: Sports, Community, and the Inclusive City Perry King
  38. Single White Vampire Lynsay Sands
  39. Treat Me Like Dirt: An Oral History of Punk in Toronto and Beyond, 1977–1981 Liz Worth
  40. The Lie Maker: A Novel Linwood Barclay
  41. Running Dog Don DeLillo
  42. Cities of the Dead: The world's most beautiful cemeteries Yolanda Zappaterra
  43. Dream States: Smart Cities, Technology, and the Pursuit of Urban Utopias John Lorinc
  44. You Were Adam: Poems Marina Zilbergerts
  45. The Wanting Way: Poems Adam Wolfond
  46. Deadline Maggie K. Black
  47. Kidnapped at Christmas Maggie K. Black
  48. One Hour in Paris: A True Story of Rape and Recovery Karyn L. Freedman
  49. In a Land Without Dogs the Cats Learn to Bark Jonathan Garfinkel
  50. Wave of Terror: A Novel Theodore Odrach