अनुपमसुन्दरी सद्गुणसम्पन्ना विद्यावती च भरद्वाजमहर्षेः पुत्री श्रुतावती, इन्द्रमेव वरितुम् इष्ट्वा तं पूजयति स्म। एकदा इन्द्रः तां परीक्षितुं विशिष्ठवेषेण आगत्य कानिचन बदरफलानि पक्वीकृत्य दीयतामिति उक्तवान्। चुल्ल्यां बहुधा काष्ठानि योजितानि चेदपि बदरफलानि तु पक्वानि न अभवन् । परीक्षार्थमेव इदम् इति विचिन्त्य स्वस्य पादौ चुल्ल्यां स्थापितवती श्रुतावती । ततः इन्द्रः प्रत्यक्षीभूय तां पत्नीत्वेन अङ्गीकृतवान् । (“केन्द्रीयसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयस्य अष्टादशीयोजनान्तर्गततया एतासां कथानां ध्वनिप्रक्षेपणं क्रियते”) Shrutavati, a woman of unmatched beauty, learned, knowledgeable daughter of the great sage Bharadwaja, who wanted to marry Lord Indra, always worshipped him with great devotion. One day, Indra disguised himself in the form of a sage to test her, gave her some fruits and asked to get it cooked. Inspite of using many wooden sticks, she was unable to cook them. She then realized that she was being tested and placed her feet in the fire. Soon, the king of gods, Indra, appeared in his true form and accepted her as his wife.
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