
  1. השפעה - תיאוריה ופרקטיקה רוברט ב' צ'לדיני
  2. שכנע אותם ב 90 שניות או פחות ניקולס בותמן
  3. להיות פלסטלינה בעולם של ברגים אליאב אללוף
  4. Building a StoryBrand 2.0: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen Donald Miller
  5. Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion Gary Vaynerchuk
  6. Marketing Magic Manuel Suarez
  7. Google Goldrush: Unlocking the Secrets of Local Search Dominance Namon Kent
  8. How to Sell a Book: What I’ve Learned Selling 100,000 Self-Published Nonfiction Books David Kadavy
  9. Video Marketing Success: A Guide on How to Use Videos and Video Marketing to Attract Customers, Boost Your Sales and Skyrocket Your Business to Success Jennie Cosim
  10. Video Marketing Advantage Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Video Marketing Success and Video Influencer Jennie Cosim
  11. Video Influencer: Discover the World of Video Marketing and How It Can Boost Your Brand Awareness and Help Your Business Succeed Raya Martin
  12. Strategies to Win: A Digital Marketing Playbook for Small Businesses Christopher Mazurk
  13. Mastering SEO Strategies for the Modern Web: Boost Visibility, Drive Traffic, and Dominate Search Rankings with Proven SEO Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth (English Edition): Boost Visibility, Drive Traffic, and Dominate Search Rankings with Proven SEO Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth (English Edition) Michael Van Den Reym
  15. Blogging for Beginners, Create a Blog and Earn Income: Best Marketing and Writing Methods You Need: to Profit as a Blogger for Making Money, Creating Passive Income and to Gain Success Right Now Michael Nelson
  16. Network and Multi Level Marketing Mastery: Follow The Ultimate MLM Business Guide For Gaining Success Today Using Social Media! Learn The Pro’s Secrets on Attaining More Sales, Using Facebook and More Graham Fisher
  17. Social Media Marketing Mastery: Learn Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies That Will Transform Your Business or Agency on Understanding the Power of Analytics, Facebook Advertising, and Much More. Graham Fisher
  18. Manipulative Werbetexte: Ein praktischer Ratgeber zur Erkennung und Benennung von beeinflussenden Methoden Roth Jay Timothy
  19. Marketing De Afiliados: Cómo Ganar Dinero En Línea Con El Marketing De Afiliados Y Obtener Ingresos Pasivos Benjamin Daniel
  20. Zen and the Art of Digital Transformation: Leading a Mindful Redesign of the Digital Enterprise Sara Teitelman
  21. Social Media Marketing a Strategic Guide: Learn the Best Digital Advertising Approach & Strategies for Boosting Your Agency or Business with the Power of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google SEO & More Sean Buttle
  22. Social Media Marketing and Passive Income Mastery: A Complete Digital Advertising Guide Including Facebook, Instagram, Google SEO & Youtube! Best Ideas & Strategies to Make Money Online! Sean Buttle
  23. How to Win at the Sport of Business Mark Cuban
  24. The Long View: Career Strategies to Start Strong, Reach High, and Go Far Brian Fetherstonhaugh
  25. Business Writing for Results: How to Create a Sense of Urgency and Increase Response to All of Your Business Communications Jane K. Cleland
  26. The Threshold: Leading in the Age of AI Nick Chatrath
  27. Pivot, Disrupt, Transform: How Leaders Beat the Odds and Survive Marcia Daszko
  28. Zone to Win: Organizing to Compete in an Age of Disruption Geoffrey A. Moore
  29. Kid Start-Up: How YOU Can Become an Entrepreneur Mark Cuban
  30. Influence: How Social Media Influencers are Shaping Our Digital Future Sara McCorquodale
  31. Why Do Contractors Lie?: The INVESTOR’S GUIDE to Hire the Right Contractor for Success J.O.A. Maurice
  32. Worte, die verkaufen - Die Kunst des Copywritings: Lerne schnell und einfach eine geldbringende Fähigkeit Patrick Wagner
  33. Laws of Marketing; A Ultimate Guide to Internet Marketing Strategy, Learn About Strategies and Tips for Effective Content Marketing, Compelling Social Media, Successful SEO and More! Dexter Anvil
  34. Effective Marketing for Beginners Bundle: 3 in 1 Bundle — Laws of Marketing, Marketing Plan, and Marketing Made Easy Mathias Reynolds
  35. Persuasion IQ: The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want Kurt Mortensen
  36. The Ministry Of Common Sense: How to Eliminate Bureaucratic Red Tape, Bad Excuses, and Corporate BS Martin Lindstrom
  37. Affiliate Marketing Power Pack Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Amazon Affiliate Marketing Guide and Making Money with Amazon Affiliate Dale Sigmon
  38. Social Media Mastermind Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Effective Social Media and Social Media Strategies Sheila Oxford
  39. Social Media Strategies: Unlocking Success in Social Media Marketing Celeste Rooney
  40. Effective Social Media: Proven Tactics to Boost Your Online Marketing Game Sheila Oxford
  41. Amazon Affiliate Marketing Guide: Strategies for Success in Online Affiliate Sales Dale Sigmon
  42. Making Money with Amazon Affiliate: Mastering the Art of Earning Online Commissions Jonah Ward
  43. The Memo: Five Rules for Your Economic Liberation John Hope Bryant
  44. Human Side of Innovation: The Power of People in Love with People Mauro Porcini
  45. Write Better Newsletters: Grow your 1:1 practice with emails people actually want to read Camille Freeman
  46. Trends in Business Process Modeling and Digital Marketing: Case Studies and Emerging Technologies
  47. Besser Online Verkaufen: Wie die besten Onlineshops ihre Conversion optimieren.: E-Commerce, Conversion Optimierung, CRO, conversion optimization
  48. Scorecard Marketing: The four-step playbook for getting better leads and bigger profits Daniel Priestley
  49. Curso de Marketing Cinzia Ameri Mölzer
  50. Guaranteed: WEB4platform Jimmy Schaffer