
  1. דרמה בים האדום עמוס גלבוע
  2. The House Divided: Sunni, Shia and the Making of the Middle East Barnaby Rogerson
  3. Book of Kin Darius Atefat-Peckham
  4. Historia de Persia: Una guía fascinante sobre el auge y la caída del Imperio persa y la vida de Ciro el Grande Billy Wellman
  5. Invisible Martyrs: Inside the Secret World of Female Islamic Radicals Farhana Qazi
  6. History of Iran: Events, Turning Points, Religion, and Empirical Conquests Kelly Mass
  7. History of the Middle East: Various Aspects of the Region (6 in 1) Kelly Mass
  8. Persian Tales - Volume II - Bakhtiari Tales - Illustrated by Hilda Roberts D. L. Lorimer
  9. Peace First: A New Model to End War Uri Savir
  10. Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class—And What We Can Do about It Thom Hartmann
  11. La Doncella Teodor Lope de Vega
  12. The Iran Nuclear Deal: Negotiations, Sanctions, and the Quest for Regional Stability Fredrich Hazelton
  13. Сефевиды: Иранская шахская династия Фархад Карими
  14. A Farsi Language Course for Travel: Key Phrases for a Trip to Iran Maryam Azizi
  15. Historia de Mesopotamia: Una guía fascinante sobre las antiguas civilizaciones, ciudades e imperios de Iraq, Irán, Siria y Turquía Captivating History
  16. The Persians Aeschylus
  17. On Wings of a Lion: The Persian Glories Saga Susan Wakeford Angard
  18. Żałobny śpiew Emma Olofsson
  19. Persian Tales - Volume II - Bakhti R Tales - Illustrated by Hilda Roberts D. L. Lorimer
  20. Every Spiral of Fate Tahereh Mafi
  21. Messianic Reveal Ethan T. Burroughs
  22. Wars & Conflicts: Battles, Power Struggles, and Their Global Consequences (3 in 1) Fredrich Hazelton
  23. The Art of the Ancient Near East: Early Civilizations and Their Art Haya Vent
  24. Rococo and Other Worlds: Selected Poems Afzal Ahmed Syed
  25. Israel und der Nahe Osten Itamar Rabinovich
  26. Passport to Oblivion James Leasor
  27. The Persian Night: Iran under the Khomeinist Revolution Amir Taheri
  28. A Door between Us Ehsaneh Sadr
  29. The Love Poems of Rumi: Translated by Nader Khalili Rumi
  30. The Spiritual Poems of Rumi: Translated by Nader Khalili Rumi
  31. The Art of Looking Up Catherine McCormack
  32. Am I Alone In Thinking... ?: Unpublished Letters to the Editor
  33. The Friendship Poems of Rumi: Translated by Nader Khalili Rumi
  34. Rails Around the World: Two Centuries of Trains and Locomotives Brian Solomon
  35. Top Gun: 50 Years of Naval Air Superiority Dwight Jon Zimmerman
  36. Am I Missing Something...: Unpublished Letters from the Daily Telegraph
  37. The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class Thom Hartmann
  38. Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World? Tom Doyle
  39. Night in Tehran Philip Kaplan
  40. Unsettled Reem Faruqi
  41. Zwischen den Welten: Von Macht und Ohnmacht im Iran Natalie Amiri
  42. Slaying the Nuclear Dragon: Disarmament Dynamics in the Twenty-First Century
  43. State Behavior and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime
  44. Learn Persian - Level 5: Advanced Persian, Volume 1: Lessons 1-50 Innovative Language Learning
  45. Metal Men: Marc Rich and the $10 Billion Scam A. Craig Copetas
  46. The CIA War in Kurdistan: The Untold Story of the Northern Front in the Iraq War Sam Faddis
  47. America's First Clash with Iran: The Tanker War, 1987–88 Lee Allen Zatarain
  48. Foxcatcher William H. Hallahan
  49. Five Myths About Nuclear Weapons Ward Wilson
  50. Holy Wars: 3000 Years of Battles in the Holy Land Gary L. Rashba