
  1. Power Animals: Unlocking the Mystical Wisdom of Totem Spirits through Shamanic Journeying, Dream Interpretation, and Intuitive Connections Silvia Hill
  2. Celtic Symbols: Unlock ancient wisdom and connect with the spirit of the land Joules Taylor
  3. 12 magische Rauhnachtsreisen mit deinem Krafttier: zum Loslassen, Krafttanken, Neuausrichten und Manifestieren Abbas Schirmohammadi
  4. 12 magische Rauhnachtsreisen mit deinem Krafttier: zum Loslassen, Krafttanken, Neuausrichten und Manifestieren Abbas Schirmohammadi
  5. The Twelve Faces of the Goddess: Transform Your Life with Astrology, Magick, and the Sacred Feminine Danielle Blackwood
  6. Das trügerische Gedächtnis: Wie unser Gehirn Erinnerungen fälscht Julia Shaw
  7. Awakening the Witchblood: Embodying the Arte Magical Nathan King
  8. Dance of the Sun Goddess: Pagan Folkways of the Baltic Coast Kenneth Johnson
  9. Selbst denken - Eine Anleitung zum Widerstand Harald Welzer
  10. Cartomancy and Celtic Symbolism: An Essential Guide to Card Divination and Ancient Pagan Symbols Mari Silva
  11. La magia popular y gitana: Una guía completa sobre el paganismo nórdico, la brujería, el curanderismo, la magia judía, la cábala, la brujería romaní y mucho más Mari Silva
  12. Dark Goddesses: Unveil Secret Power of Lilith, Morrigan, Hekate and more, With rituals, exercises, meditations to Unlock Your inner Goddess Templum Dianae Media
  13. Dark Goddess Craft: A Journey Through the Heart of Transformation Stephanie Woodfield
  14. A Modern Guide to Heathenry: Lore, Celebrations, and Mysteries of the Northern Traditions Galina Krasskova
  15. She Blooms: Girl, You Are Unstoppable! Kamila Summers
  16. Witchcraft for Healing: Radical Self-Care for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Patti Wigington
  17. Practical Magic for Beginners: Exercises, Rituals, and Spells for the New Mystic Maggie Haseman
  18. Unlocking the Mysteries of Shamanism: Journeying into the Spirit Realm: A Comprehensive Guide to Shamanism Patrick Brown
  19. Hekate Liminal Rites: A Study of the Rituals, Magic and Symbols of the Torch-Bearing Triple Goddess of the Crossroads Sorita d'Este
  20. Shamanism: Traditions and Rituals: The Way of the Shaman: Exploring Ancient Practices and Modern Applications Rebecca White
  21. Celtic Paganism Exposed: Embracing the Celtic Gods: A Comprehensive Guide to Celtic Paganism Arthur Clark
  22. Unmasking Celtic Paganism: The Ancient Path of Druids: Exploring the Beliefs and Practices of Celtic Paganism Lily Adams
  23. Seidr: The Gate is Open: The Gate is Open: Working with Trance Prophecy, the High Seat and Norse Witchcraft Katie Gerrard
  24. Chamanismo nativo americano: Desbloquear la espiritualidad chamánica, la curación y los rituales Mari Silva
  25. Brígida: Desvelando la magia de la diosa celta de la adivinación, la sabiduría y la curación Mari Silva
  26. La Morrigan: Prácticas celtas secretas, rituales de devoción, adivinación y hechizos de magia(k) Mari Silva
  27. Druidismo del cerco: La guía definitiva del druidismo, el animismo, la magia druida, la hechicería celta, Ogham y los rituales de druidas solitarios Mari Silva
  28. Yule: La guía definitiva del solsticio de invierno y cómo se celebra en la wicca, el druidismo, el cristianismo y el paganismo Mari Silva
  29. Paganismo para principiantes: Una guía esencial de las prácticas paganas celtas, nórdicas, eslavas, germánicas, griegas y la Rueda del Año Mari Silva
  30. Diosas oscuras: Cómo liberar el poder de Hécate, Lilith, Morrigan, Baba Yaga, Kali, Oya, Perséfone, Hathor, Sekhmet y más Mari Silva
  31. Haunted Inside Passage: Ghosts, Legends, and Mysteries of Southeast Alaska Bjorn Dihle
  32. Fairycraft: Following the Path of Fairy Witchcraft Morgan Daimler
  33. Awaken Your Inner Goddess: Practical Tools for Self-Care, Emotional Healing, and Self-Realization Dr. Dara Goldberg, PhD
  34. Divine Masculine Guided Meditation: Reclaiming your masculine power, connect to male ancestors, power confidence and strength, raise self-esteem, own your power, live your life with passions Think and Bloom
  35. Hedge Witch: A Guide to Solitary Witchcraft Rae Beth
  36. In Focus Shamanism: Your Personal Guide Tracie Long
  37. Cherokees Shamanism James Mooney
  38. Spellcraft for a Magical Year: Rituals and Enchantments for Prosperity, Power, and Fortune Sarah Bartlett
  39. Angels, Spirit Guides & Goddesses: A Guide to Working with 100 Divine Beings in Your Daily Life Audra Auclair
  40. 101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation Judy Hall
  41. The Witch's Spellbook: Enchantments, Incantations, and Rituals from Around the World Sarah Bartlett
  42. Pagan and Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning Edward Carpenter
  43. Ocean of Love Helos Aloe
  44. Living the Faery Life: A Guide to Connecting with the Magic, Power and Joy of the Enchanted Realm Kac Young
  45. The Border Wolves: A gripping novel of Ancient Rome Damion Hunter
  46. Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys Mara Bishop
  47. The Shaman's Book of Living and Dying Alberto Villoldo
  48. Candle Magic: Step-by-Step Guide To Wicca Candle Magic Lisa Buckland
  49. Wiccan: Everything You Need To Be A Perfect Wiccan Lisa Buckland
  50. Schamanismus & Krafttiere: Hintergründe, Praxisbeispiele und kritische Fragen zu schamanischen Ritualen, Energiemedizin und Krafttieren Wolfgang Sonnscheidt