
  1. Driving the Future Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Electric Vehicles and Hybrid & Electric Vehicles Eric MacAllister
  2. Irrfahrt Toine Heijmans
  3. Tuning to Win Ian Pinnell
  4. Wind Strategy David Houghton
  5. East Coast Rivers Cruising Companion: A Yachtsman's Pilot and Cruising Guide to the Waters from Lowestoft to Ramsgate Janet Harber
  6. Sea Trial: Sailing After My Father Brian Harvey
  7. Helming to Win: How to be a winning helm Nick Craig
  8. Navegando en patín a vela Ricard Pedreira Font
  9. Sail: A tribute to the world's greatest races, sailors and their boats Timothy Jeffery
  10. Allein gegen den Ozean: Die Vendée Globe Norbert Sedlacek
  11. Sailing Made Easy and Comfort in Small Craft S. J. Housley
  12. Moby Dick Herman Melville
  13. RYA Start Sailing (A-G3) Royal Yachting Association
  14. RYA Advanced Sailing (A-G12) Royal Yachting Association
  15. לאהוב, לשוטט, להפליג סטיבנסון
  16. ברקודה לארוחת בוקר עמליה ארגמן ברנע
  17. A Steady Trade: A Boyhood at Sea Tristan Jones
  18. Ice! Tristan Jones
  19. Lost!: A Harrowing True Story of Disaster at Sea Thomas Thompson
  20. Saga of a Wayward Sailor Tristan Jones
  21. Seagulls in My Soup Tristan Jones
  22. The Incredible Voyage Tristan Jones
  23. Somewheres East of Suez Tristan Jones
  24. Encounters of a Wayward Sailor Tristan Jones
  25. Outward Leg Tristan Jones
  26. The Improbable Voyage Tristan Jones
  27. The Billionaire and the Mechanic: How Larry Ellison and a Car Mechanic Teamed up to Win Sailing's Greatest Race, the Americas Cup, Twice Julian Guthrie
  28. Fisherman's Knots & Wrinkles W. A. Hunter
  29. Könnt ihr mal das Segel aus der Sonne nehmen?: Skurrile Erlebnisse eines Charterskippers Johannes Erdmann
  30. Sieben Quadratmeter Glück: Mein Leben im Camper Marion Hahnfeldt
  31. Тайпан Джеймс Клавелл
  32. Die Reise in einem Cocktailshaker: Mit der Segeljacht Balu von Bremen nach Tobago Iko Andrae
  33. The Race: The First Nonstop, Round-the-World, No-Holds-Barred Sailing Competition Tim Zimmermann
  34. The Lonely Voyage: A thrilling coming of age tale in a time of war Max Hennessy
  35. A Gipsy of the Horn - Life in a Deep-Sea Sailing Ship Rex Clements
  36. Rigged Justice: How the College Admissions Scandal Ruined an Innocent Man’s Life John Vandemoer
  37. איך זרחה לי השמש באונייה שלום נעמי שמר
  38. Sea, Sun & Taraipo: Millionaires in Time John Jameson
  39. A Sailor, A Chicken, An Incredible Voyage: The Seafaring Adventures of Guirec and Monique Guirec Soudée
  40. Voyage of the Sparrowhawk Natasha Farrant
  41. Maiden Voyage Tania Aebi
  42. Glory B!: 1000 Miles of Mishaps and Miracles Dave Graham
  43. Capitan Dodero Anton Giulio Barrili
  44. Sea Salt: Recipes from the West Coast Galley Lorna Malone
  45. Soul of the Hurricane: The Perfect Storm and an Accidental Sailor Nelson Simon
  46. Von Hamburg nach Haparanda: Eine Segelreise ans Ende der Ostsee Friedrich Steindorf
  47. האדון שנפל לים הרברט קלייד לואיס
  48. How to Make Knots, Bends and Splices: As Used at Sea Tyrrel E. Biddle
  49. Long Lost Log: Diary of a Virgin Sailor Michael Chapman Pincher
  50. Des Seglers Traum .....oder Albtraum: Als Einhandsegler 32 000 Meilen unterwegs