
  1. כתב כמויות ורד גלאון
  2. INFAMIUM: Historischer Verschwörungs-Roman im frühen Mittelalter Marc Weissenberger
  3. Atlantis: Exploring the Myths and Theories behind the Fabled City Josie Hertz
  4. The History of Architecture Gaynor Aaltonen
  5. Yuan: Chinese Architecture in a Mongol Empire Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt
  6. Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci
  7. Witch of Endor: The adventures of King Saul Bible Pathway Adventures
  8. Los lugares misteriosos de la tierra Massimo Centini
  9. Off Grid CABIN: The Craftsman’s Ultimate Guide to Simple Living, Self-Sufficiency, Homesteading, and Thriving in Compact Spaces Under 1000 Square Feet Karen. Witzel
  10. La fatiga de las formas Josep Fuses
  11. Аудиогид Lobby x Storytel Дмитрий Опарин
  12. The Secrets of Rome: Unraveling the Empire's Hidden Power: "Unleash your curiosity about Rome! Access thrilling audio lessons that uncover the empire’s intriguing secrets." Ronan Larkridge
  13. Critical Readings Ruth Verde Zein
  14. Excepcionalidad del Modernismo Brasileño Luiz Fernando Lara
  15. Europa ohne Frankreich?: Deutsche Anmerkungen zur französischen Frage - Essays zum neuen und alten Europa Markus C. Kerber
  16. El dibujo de arquitectura Jorge Sainz Avia
  17. Mistrzowie Kłamstwa Marcin Tyc
  18. Москва фабричная. Промышленная архитектура столицы: от кирпичных замков к лофтам Валерия Гайдина
  19. Двухэтажный Ленинград. Жилая застройка 1945–1950 годов Максим Шер
  20. Легендарные мосты. Истории и легенды о петербургских мостах Лилия Сергеева
  21. Архитектура. Для тех, кто хочет все успеть Коллектив авторов
  22. The Price of Freedom: How Economic Institutions Fuel Conflict William Ubagan
  23. De la Bestialisation des Humains à l'Humanisation des Animaux: Entre Instinct et Empathie Astou Diop
  24. Confesiones de tres arquitectos: Fernando Castillo Velasco, Mario Pérez de Arce Lavín y Héctor Valdés Phillips. Vida y obra Diego Pérez de Arce Antoncich
  25. The Little Book of Living Small Laura Fenton
  26. Bigger Than Tiny, Smaller Than Average Sheri Koones
  27. The Modern A-Frame
  28. Zuber: Two Centuries of Panoramic Wallpaper Brian D. Coleman
  29. Power and Persecution: Political Influence in Inquisition Trials William Ubagan
  30. Mystics of the Empire: Magic and Rule in Ancient Rome - Volume 1 Davis Truman
  31. Mystics of the Empire: Magic and Rule in Ancient Rome - Volume 2 Davis Truman
  32. Tragic Korean History and Its Connections to World History A I
  33. Patrimonios: Experiencias en debate
  34. Freud sobre la arquitectura John Abell
  35. Securing Your Sanctuary: A Comprehensive Guide to Home Safety William Ubagan
  36. Louis Kahn: A Life in Architecture Carter Wiseman
  37. Cybersecurity For Beginners: How to apply the NIST Risk Management Framework John Knowles
  38. Objects in Exile: Modern Art and Design across Borders, 1930–1960 Robin Schuldenfrei
  39. Escuela preparatoria de Jalisco: Génesis del espíritu universitario Gustavo Curiel Ballesteros
  40. Allegheny City: A History of Pittsburgh's North Side Carol Peterson
  41. Книга о Петербурге Сергей Носов
  42. Historia de Paraguay Ferdinand Vilard
  43. The Evolution of Modern Orchestration Louis Adolphe Coerne
  44. The Enigmatic Empire: Unraveling the Secrets of Ancient Egypt: Egypt History Unearthed: 5,000 Years of Ancient Egyptian History, Dynasties, and Mysteries Nathaniel Graves
  45. “The Condition Of Menevia”: Studies in the History of St Davids Cathedral
  46. 70 Biographies of Visionaries in 500 Words Each Nietsnie Trebla
  47. The Three Musketeers: A Timeless Tale of Adventure, Friendship, and Heroism Alexandre Dumas
  48. The Vicomte de Bragelonne: A Gripping Tale of Loyalty, Love and Betrayal Alexandre Dumas
  49. Louise de La Vallière: A Captivating Tale of Love, Loyalty, and Intrigue Alexandre Dumas
  50. Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Trudy Irene Scee