
  1. אשראם רם אורן
  2. שטן בירושלים נעמי רגן
  3. Elementary Principles D. Thomas Lancaster
  4. Going Clear by Lawrence Wright | Key Takeaways & Analysis: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief IRB Media
  5. Witch of Endor: The adventures of King Saul Bible Pathway Adventures
  6. Evangélicos en la nueva era de la comunicación Daniel Hofkamp
  7. Doomsday Cults: The Devil's Hostages Alan R. Warren
  8. Dark Psychology: How Social Media Influence, Narcissism, and Cults Persuade People to Do Things against Their Will Amanda Grapes
  9. In the Shadow of Enlightenment: A Girl's Journey through the Osho Rajneesh Cult Sarito Carroll
  10. The Most Bizarre Cult Ever: The Strange Beliefs and Practices of the Pythagorean Cult John Harpoon
  11. Moonchild Aleister Crowley
  12. Whispering in the Daylight: The Children of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries and Their Journey to Freedom Debby Schriver
  13. Psychology and Behavior: Understanding the Minds that Shape Our World (4 in 1) John Harpoon
  14. Zac - Surviving the Devil: Bikerromance Samira Wood
  15. Drinking the Devil's Blood: Aleister Crowley - The Untold Tale Geoffrey Giuliano and the Icon Players
  16. The Book of Law: Aleister Crowley, The Lost Original Manuscript Aleister Crowley
  17. Autobiography of a Modern Prophet Harold Klemp
  18. Zebra: The True Account of the 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco Clark Howard
  19. My Scientology Story: The True Story of an Ex-Scientologist Diana Dudas
  20. Aleister Crowley The Lost Gospels Geoffrey Giuliano and the Icon Players
  21. Aleister Crowley's Devilish Universe Aleister Crowley
  22. The Lost Manuscript Liber Astarte Master Of The Devilish Occult Aleister Crowley
  23. The Vixen & Other Frights - Satan's Wicked Son & Heir Aleister Crowley
  24. 666 Aleister Crowley Best Of The Beast Aleister Crowley
  25. День праха Жан-Кристоф Гранже
  26. Dark Psychology: The Power of Psychopathy, Control, and Manipulation Amanda Grapes
  27. More than Mythology: Narratives, Ritual Practices and Regional Distribution in pre-Christian Scandinavian Religions
  28. Rethinking the space for religion : new actors in Central and Southeast Europe on religion, authenticity and belonging
  29. Fermina Gómez y la casa olvidad de Olokun Armando Ferrer
  30. Pataquines and Fondation of Ifá Rogelio Gómez
  31. Pataquines y Fundamentos de Ifá Rogelio Gómez
  32. La verdadera historia de Babalúaiyé Arisel Arse
  33. La sociedad Abakuá. Los hijos de Ékpé Ramón Torres Zayas
  34. Yemayá Madre del Mundo Rogelio Gómez Nieves
  35. The Black Beating Heart Of Boleskine Aleister Crowley Midnight Mass Aleister Crowley
  36. חיפוש אחר האמת - מסע באימן זאב בן אריה
  37. Sex Cult Nun Faith Jones
  38. Sex Cult Nun: Breaking Away from the Children of God, a Wild, Radical Religious Cult Faith Jones
  39. Torah for Gentiles?: What the Jewish Authors of the Didache Had to Say Daniel Nessim
  40. Dictionary of Witchcraft Collin de Plancy
  41. Dictionary of Satanism Wade Baskin
  42. Dictionary of the Occult Harry E. Wedeck
  43. The Witchcraft Collection (Volume Two): Dictionary of Mysticism, Encyclopedia of Superstitions, and Dictionary of Magic Harry E. Wedeck
  44. The Witchcraft Collection (Volume One): Dictionary of Satanism, Dictionary of Witchcraft, and Dictionary of Pagan Religions Wade Baskin
  45. My Life in Orange: Growing Up with the Guru Tim Guest
  46. Our Bible Too: A New Soteriology of Messianic Judaism Jeffrey W. Dandoy
  47. The Amityville Horror Jay Anson
  48. The Jewish Gospels: The Story of the Jewish Christ Daniel Boyarin
  49. Just a Little Girl: How a Clinical Death Brought a Teenage Girl Face-to-Face with an Angel and Head-to-Toe with Her Faith Allison Bottke
  50. מה את יודעת מעין רוגל