1. Monarchs and Milkweed: A Migrating Butterfly, a Poisonous Plant, and Their Remarkable Story of Coevolution Anurag Agrawal
  2. Evolución humana en clave fascinante: ¡Impulsa tu entendimiento de la evolución humana! Disfruta lecciones de audio cautivadoras para un aprendizaje excepcional. Cyril Vesper
  3. Conocimiento esencial para todos: ¡Transforma tu preparación para el conocimiento esencial! Accede a lecciones de audio efectivas para un rendimiento óptimo en el examen. Eloid Thistledown
  4. Juegos que moldean mentes jóvenes: ¡Transforma tu preparación en Juegos que moldean mentes jóvenes! Accede a lecciones de audio potentes para lograr el éxito. Sergio Valemont
  5. Perros sorprendentes nos enseñan mucho: "¡Transforma tu aprendizaje! Accede a lecciones de audio impactantes sobre cómo los perros sorprendentes nos enseñan valiosas lecciones." Arvid Renshaw
  6. The Book of the Earthworm Sally Coulthard
  7. Living Planet: The Web of Life on Earth David Attenborough
  8. Rewilding Our Hearts: Building Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence Marc Bekoff
  9. Where the Seals Sing Susan Richardson
  10. The Heartbeat of Trees Peter Wohlleben
  11. Ordering Life: Karl Jordan and the Naturalist Tradition Kristin Johnson
  12. Life in the Dark: Illuminating Biodiversity in the Shadowy Haunts of Planet Earth Danté Fenolio
  13. The Sloth Lemur’s Song: Madagascar from the Deep Past to the Uncertain Present Alison Richard
  14. Коварные растения: Белена, дурман, аконит, мандрагора и другие преступники мира флоры Эми Стюарт
  15. Episode 9 - Environment & Ecology Anjum Sharma
  16. Unsere Natur stirbt: Warum jährlich bis zu 60.000 Tierarten verschwinden und das verheerende Auswirkungen hat Michael Schrödl
  17. Origin Africa: Safaris in Deep Time Jonathan Kingdon
  18. Rebugging the Planet: The Remarkable Things that Insects (and Other Invertebrates) Do – And Why We Need to Love Them More Vicki Hird
  19. The Ecology of Everyday Things Mark Everard
  20. The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us Steve Brusatte
  21. The American Chestnut: An Environmental History Donald Edward Davis
  22. Food for Free: 50th Anniversary Edition Richard Mabey
  23. Ever Green: Saving Big Forests to Save the Planet John W. Reid
  24. Bakterien: Traian Suttles Traian Suttles
  25. The Hidden World: How Insects Sustain Life on Earth Today and Will Shape Our Lives Tomorrow Dr George McGavin
  26. The Reason for Flowers: Their History, Culture, Biology, and How They Change Our Lives Stephen Buchmann
  27. The Trials of Life: A Natural History of Animal Behaviour David Attenborough
  28. Wild Isles Alastair Fothergill
  29. Viaje a misiones Eduardo Ladislao Holmberg
  30. Tipos de vegetación de la cuenca del río Usumacinta Jorge A. Meave
  31. Meetings with Moths: Discovering their Mystery and Extraordinary Lives Katty Baird
  32. The Wood for the Trees: One Man's Long View of Nature Richard Fortey
  33. A Taste for the Beautiful: The Evolution of Attraction Michael J. Ryan
  34. Bowland Beth: The Life of an English Hen Harrier David Cobham
  35. Nature Strange and Beautiful: How Living Beings Evolved and Made the Earth a Home Egbert Giles Leigh
  36. Teaming With Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web Jeff Lowenfels
  37. A Naturalist at Large: The Best Essays of Bernd Heinrich Bernd Heinrich
  38. Los animales y vegetales que nos inspiran Emmanuelle Pouydebat
  39. The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution George John Romanes
  40. The Politics of Permaculture Terry Leahy
  41. Mutant Ecologies: Manufacturing Life in the Age of Genomic Capital Erica Borg
  42. On the Origin of Species Charles Darwin
  43. Last Sunset in the West: Britain's Vanishing West Coast Orcas Natalie Sanders
  44. The Wanderer: An Alaska Wolf's Final Journey Tom Walker
  45. The Power of Trees Peter Wohlleben
  46. How Life Works: A User’s Guide to the New Biology Philip Ball
  47. The Botanic Garden: The world's greatest botanical sanctuaries Ambra Edwards
  48. The Last Butterflies: A Scientist's Quest to Save a Rare and Vanishing Creature Nick Haddad
  49. A Place like No Other: Discovering the Secrets of Serengeti Anthony R. E. Sinclair
  50. Cosmos, Earth and Nutrition: The Biodynamic Approach to Agriculture Richard Thornton Smith