
  1. Virus: Stockholm - Book 2 Daniel Åberg
  2. Pandemia: el año de la peste Mario Escobar
  3. Chiński wirus Krzysztof Koziołek
  4. Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World: Certain Hope In Uncertain Times Dr. David Jeremiah
  5. The Likely Future: Briefings from Pax: (The Rest of the Story) Penelope Jean Hayes
  6. Hummingbird Salamander Jeff VanderMeer
  7. Blood Music Greg Bear
  8. Saving the Magic Kingdom: A Novel Jeff Dixon
  9. A Journal of the Plague Year Daniel Defoe
  10. The Redemption Trilogy Box Set: Emergence, Penance, Resurgence AJ Sikes
  11. System pozorów Barbara Uznańska-Loch
  12. The Extinction New Zealand Series Box Set: The Rule of Three, The Fourth Phase, The Five Pillars Adrian J. Smith
  13. Blood Music Greg Bear
  14. Sixteen Horses: A BBC Two Between the Covers Book Club Pick Greg Buchanan
  15. Llega el monstruo. Covid-19, gripe aviar y las plagas de capitalismo: COVID-19, gripe aviar y las plagas del capitalismo Mike Davis
  16. The Network: A Novel L. C. Shaw
  17. Dżuma Albert Camus
  18. Board Stiff Piers Anthony
  19. Oddział zakaźny. Historie bez cenzury Agnieszka Sztyler-Turovsky
  20. Second Chance Angel Griffin Barber
  21. The Key to Fury Kristin Cast
  22. Anatomy: A Crash Course Joanna Matthan
  23. 30-Second Medicine: The 50 crucial milestones, treatments and technologies in the history of health, each explained in half a minute Gabrielle M Finn
  24. Bats: An illustrated guide to all species Marianne Taylor
  25. The Hypochondriac's Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have Dennis DiClaudio
  26. Pick, Spit & Scratch: The Science of Disgusting Habits Julia Garstecki
  27. The Atlas of Disease: Mapping deadly epidemics and contagion from the plague to the zika virus Sandra Hempel
  28. Die Wahrheit über Covid-19: Was wir wissen und was nicht. Und wie Sie sich vor dem Coronavirus schützen können Miryam Muhm
  29. Lodowiec Camilla Läckberg
  30. Book Four of Five David Hughes
  31. The Pause - A Short Story Set in the World of Tomorrow is Another Year Scott Tierney
  32. The Extinction Cycle Boxed Set, Books 4–6: Extinction Evolution, Extinction End, and Extinction Aftermath Nicholas Sansbury Smith
  33. Vacunas: Verdades, mentiras y controversia Peter C. Gøtzsche
  34. The Unedited: A Novel about Genome and Identity Pernille Rørth
  35. Wirus Dariusz Bugalski
  36. Lockdown Robert Ziębiński
  37. W piekle pandemii Jolanta Kosowska
  38. Predators Frederick Ramsay
  39. COVID-19: The Greatest Cover-Up in History—From Wuhan to the White House Dylan Howard
  40. Worlds Apart Joe Haldeman
  41. The Painted Veil W. Somerset Maugham
  42. The Worlds Trilogy: Worlds, Worlds Apart, and Worlds Enough and Time Joe Haldeman
  43. Pandora's Clock John J. Nance
  44. The Scarlet Plague Jack London
  45. Worlds Enough and Time Joe Haldeman
  46. A Matter of Life and Death: Inside the Hidden World of the Pathologist Sue Armstrong
  47. Lazarus Rising: A Novel Joseph Caldwell
  48. The Cure: A Thriller Bradlee Frazer
  49. The Coming of the Night John Rechy
  50. Year of Plagues: A Memoir of 2020 Fred D'Aguiar