מורים ומורות

  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone J.K. Rowling
  2. את כל הילדים בעולם טל ניצן
  3. Shattering Inequities: Real-World Wisdom for School and District Leaders Ruth S. Johnson
  4. The New Art and Science of Teaching Robert J. Marzano
  5. Futuros maestros: búsqueda y construcción de una identidad profesional: Una mirada psicosocial a los procesos subjetivos que se juegan en los trayectos de práctica Valeria Bedacarratx
  6. Is This Wi-Fi Organic?: A Guide to Spotting Misleading Science Online Dave Farina
  7. Grit Angela Duckworth
  8. Pedagogía de las emociones: Narrativas de maestros y maestras en contextos de posconflicto Marieta Quintero Mejía
  9. How To Make Your Project Go Badly Wrong: For Fun and Personal Profit David E. Winter
  10. Fast-Track Ph.D. The Unbeatable 3-Year Formula: A Step-by-Step Success Blueprint-from Idea To Thesis Submission Dr. Vanshree Agarwal
  11. Formación docente en educación media superior Ruth Padilla Muñoz
  12. Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss: The bestselling lifestyle guide 50minutes
  13. Book Review: Good to Great by Jim Collins: Learn how companies achieve excellence 50minutes
  14. Strengthen Your LinkedIn Profile: The ideal tool for networking and job searching 50minutes
  15. SHRM Secrets to Transform Your Certification Journey: "Unlock your potential with SHRM Secrets—engaging audio lessons for an exceptional certification journey!" Cormac Hestings
  16. Building Your Business Online Anderson Corba
  17. Formación integral universitaria: Un itinerario Fabio Orlando Neira Sánchez
  18. How I Conquered Harvard: Cracking Harvard's Code in Midlife Daniel Jang
  19. Global Trade Mastery: A Practical Guide to Export Excellence Sara Commerce
  20. Glaubt doch nicht der Lügenpresse!​: Ein Jugendroman zur Leseförderung über Populismus und Verschwörungstheorien​ Armin Kaster
  21. Sviluppo Professionale E Ricerca Del Lavoro: Guida Per La Carriera E La Ricerca Dell'Impiego! Owen Jones
  22. Become the Primary Teacher Everyone Wants to Have: A Guide to Career Success Seán Delaney
  23. Jumpstart Collection: Igniting Your Entreprenuerial Spirit Shawn Doyle
  24. Prácticas docentes en el ámbito universitario Guillermo Londoño Orozco
  25. Prácticas docentes universitarias: Reflexiones desde sus escenarios Guillermo Londoño Orozco
  26. Say No without Feeling Guilty & still Negotiate Successfully: incl. Bonus – Learn to Set Limits, Increase Productivity, No Compromise, Overcome Fear & Negative Emotions, Reach your Life Goals Simone Janson
  27. Sell yourself, never Apply for a Job again - the Secrets of Jobhunting & Jobsearch: incl. Bonus – Letters of Application, Templates, Online & Offline, Conduct & Survive successfully Job Interviews Simone Janson
  28. Endlich Selbstbewusst: incl. Bonus – Selbstbewusstsein stärken, Selbstvertrauen gewinnen, Selbstliebe lernen, selbstsicher souverän auftreten und mit Schlagfertigkeit dumme Sprüche kontern Simone Janson
  29. Endlich mehr Geld verdienen: incl. Bonus – Lohn & Gehalt verhandeln, Gehaltserhöhung fordern [Vorlagen Checklisten Leitfaden] Simone Janson
  30. The Waiter & Waitress and Waitstaff Training Handbook: A Complete Guide to the Proper Steps in Service for Food & Beverage Employees Revised 2nd Edition Douglas Brown
  31. Como una historia: Un libro sobre historia, enseñanza y motivación Juan Jesús Pleguezuelos
  32. Innovation beginnt im Gehirn: Der Innovationsprozess im betrieblichen Kontext Cordula Flemke
  33. The Courage to Teach, Tenth Anniversary Edition: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life Parker J. Palmer
  34. Las escuelas normales y sus docentes: significados y prácticas educativas María Guadalupe Guzmán Villa
  35. La formación de educadoras y educadores ambientales:: Prácticas pedagógicas y horizontes de futuro en la UACM. Miguel Ángel Arias Ortega
  36. Los problemas del docente: Una mirada sistémic Sergio Antonio García Flores
  37. Experiencias de aprendizaje mediadas por las tecnologías digitales:: Pautas para docentes y diseñadores educativos Frida Díaz Barriga Arceo
  38. One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion Shelley Moore
  39. El liderazgo en la educación teológica, volumen 3: Fundamentos para el desarrollo docente Various authors
  40. The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life — Master Any Skill or Challenge by Learning to Love the Process Thomas M. Sterner
  41. Fully Engaged: Using the Practicing Mind in Daily Life Thomas M. Sterner
  42. Funded!: How I Leveraged My Passion to Live A Fulfilling Life and How You Can Too Lucy Gent Foma
  43. Put A Wet Paper Towel on It: The Weird and Wonderful World of Primary Schools Adam Parkinson
  44. Listen Wise: Teach Students to be Better Listeners Monica Brady-Myerov
  45. The Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students Jessica Minahan
  46. יצר לב האדמה שהרה בלאו
  47. Учим в любых условиях: Онлайн-образование на каждый день Дуглас Фишер
  48. The Power to Speak Naked: How to Speak with Confidence, Communicate Effectively, & Win Your Audience Sean Tyler Foley
  49. 35 Reglas de oro para invertir en ti mismo y ser exitoso Santos Omar Medrano Chura
  50. פנינים לאור היום סביון ליברכט