Nahtoderfahrungen & Medialität: Über Nahtoderlebnisse und mediale Fähigkeiten. Was Menschen über den Nahtod berichten und wie dieser das Channeling beeinflusst. Gibt es ein Leben nach dem Tod? Wolfgang Sonnscheidt4
A Guide to Afterlife Communication: How to Heal from Loss and Connect with Your Loved Ones on the Other Side Audrey Sloan Tate
The 14 Karmic Laws of Love: How to Develop a Healthy and Conscious Relationship With Your Soulmate Dan Desmarques1
Disparus Mais Toujours Là: Où Les Individualités Humaines Sont Peut-Être Enregistrées Dans Un Environnement Immatériel YVES TORTORA
Soul Message Service via Near-Death Experiences: NDExperiencers Returning With Knowledge That Benefits the Living Scott Ogea
Inspired Life, Beautiful Death: Healing Grief, Overcoming Fear of Death, and Living a Spiritual Life Tom Nehmy
Тренинг по системе Майкла Ньютона: Путешествия вне пространства и времени. Как жить счастливо, используя опыт предыдущих жизней Майк Линн4.8
The Eastern Approach: Exploring Eastern Wisdom and the Journey of Life and Death George Herbert Leigh Mallory
The Devachanic Plane: Journey into Mystical Realms: Understanding the Devachanic Plane and Spiritual Dimensions Charles Webster Leadbeater
Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead: Prayers, Incantations, and Other Texts from the Book of the Dead E. A. Wallis Budge
The 14 Karmic Laws of Love: How to Develop a Healthy and Conscious Relationship With Your Soulmate Dan Desmarques