Punjab Police have shared details about the arrest of BJP leader Tajinder Bagga on Monday morning. Bagga was arrested from his Delhi house. The Punjab Police has said he was served notices earlier, asking him to join the investigation. In a statement, the Punjab Police said Bagga was arrested on a ""complaint for causing instigation/incitement/criminal intimidation to cause violence, use of force, imminent hurt in a predesigned and orchestrated manner by making/publishing provocative, false and communal inflammatory statements through his interview given to the media and through his posts on Twitter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Punjab Police have shared details about the arrest of BJP leader Tajinder Bagga on Monday morning. Bagga was arrested from his Delhi house. The Punjab Police has said he was served notices earlier, asking him to join the investigation. In a statement, the Punjab Police said Bagga was arrested on a ""complaint for causing instigation/incitement/criminal intimidation to cause violence, use of force, imminent hurt in a predesigned and orchestrated manner by making/publishing provocative, false and communal inflammatory statements through his interview given to the media and through his posts on Twitter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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