The American Nation: A History, Vol. 8: Preliminaries of the Revolution, 1763–1775Albert Bushnell Hart
History of the United States of America, Volume I: From the Discovery of the ContinentGeorge Bancroft
The American Nation: A History, Vol. 1: European Background of American History, 1300–1600Edward Potts Cheyney5
The American Nation: A History, Vol. 10: The Confederation and the Constitution, 1783–1789Albert Bushnell Hart
History of the United States of America, Volume II: From the Discovery of the ContinentGeorge Bancroft
The American Nation: A History, Vol. 13: The Rise of American Nationality, 1811–1819Kendric Charles Babcock, PhD
History of the United States of America, Volume III: From the Discovery of the ContinentGeorge Bancroft
The Winning of the West, Vol. 1: From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769–1776Theodore Roosevelt
History of the United States of America, Volume IV: From the Discovery of the ContinentGeorge Bancroft
The Winning of the West, Vol. 2: From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777–1783Theodore Roosevelt
History of the United States of America, Volume V: From the Discovery of the ContinentGeorge Bancroft
History of the United States of America, Volume VI: From the Discovery of the ContinentGeorge Bancroft
The Winning of the West, Vol. 3: The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths 1784–1790Theodore Roosevelt