The Complete Works of Margaret Fuller: Woman in the Nineteenth Century, Summer on the Lakes in 1843, Essays, Memoirs, Reviews, Narratives, Poems & Biography by Julia Ward HoweRalph Waldo Emerson
The Complete Works of Margaret Fuller: Woman in the Nineteenth Century, Summer on the Lakes in 1843, Essays, Memoirs, Reviews, Narratives, Poems & Biography by Julia Ward HoweJames Freeman Clarke
Christianity and Modern Thought: Navigating Faith in a Changing World: An Anthology of 19th Century Religious ThoughtAndrew P. Peabody
Nineteenth Century Questions: Exploring 19th Century Intellectual Landscapes and Social Concerns with Clarity and InsightJames Freeman Clarke
The Complete Works of Margaret Fuller: Woman in the Nineteenth Century, Summer on the Lakes in 1843, Essays, Memoirs, Reviews, Narratives, Poems & Biography by Julia Ward HoweRalph Waldo Emerson
Orthodoxy: Its Truths And Errors: Exploring the Truths and Fallacies of Religious OrthodoxyJames Freeman Clarke