Suggestible You: The Curious Science of Your Brain’s Ability to Deceive, Transform, and Heal Erik Vance3.3
FOOD POWER: The Untold Secrets to Uplift Your Mental Health: "Elevate your mental health with our engaging audiobook, unveiling the hidden power of food for vibrant well-being!" Kellan Ashby2
Die Intelligenz der Zellen - Wie unser Denken und Fühlen das Zellgedächtnis steuert Claudia Kloihofer
The Scientific American Healthy Aging Brain: The Neuroscience of Making the Most of Your Mature Mind Scientific American4
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Cerebro que aprende. Cómo apasionarnos con el conocimiento para transformar nuestra vida Marcial Pérez4.4
What Is Human Nature? Surprising Insights into Free Will, Personal Identity, and Existence Robert L. Kuhn4.8