The Alzheimer's Prevention Food Guide: A Quick Nutritional Reference to Foods that Nourish and Protect the Brain from Alzheimer's Disease Sue Stillman Linja
Parkinson's Disease Guide for the Newly Diagnosed: Understanding the Disease, Managing Your Symptoms & Navigating Treatment Peter LeWitt
Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias: A Guide for People with Dementia and Those Who Care for Them Jonathan Graff-Radford4.5
The Caregiver's Guide to Dementia: Practical Advice for Caring for Yourself and Your Loved One Gail Weatherill
Die Formel gegen Alzheimer: Die Gebrauchsanweisung für ein gesundes Leben - Ganz einfach vorbeugen und rechtzeitig heilen Dr. med. Michael Nehls
Dancing with Lewy: A Father-Daughter Dance, Before and After Lewy Body Dementia Came to Live With Us Nancy R. Poland4
Schommelen op het ritme van mensen met dementie: Beter communiceren met de resonantiemethode Kasper Bormans
Bescherm je brein tegen dementie: Wat de wetenschap ons leert over vergrijzende hersenen en wat je zelf kunt doen Reginald Deschepper
Caring for Loved Ones: Empowering Strategies for Dementia Support: "Elevate your caregiving skills! Discover empowering audio lessons for effective dementia support and loving connections." Kellan Ashford
Is It Alzheimer's 2nd Edition: 101 Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Memory Loss and Dementia Peter V. Rabins
Rewind Alzheimer's: Simple Secrets to Boost Your Brain Power: "Boost your brain power with engaging audio lessons from 'Rewind Alzheimer's' for sharper mental performance!" Cyrus Melrose
Dear Caregiver: Letters of Hope and Wisdom From Experienced Caregivers of Alzheimer's and Other Dementias | Real-Life Stories to Encourage, Support, and Guide Your Journey Ben Clardy
Dementia Caregiving Companion: How To Provide Comprehensive Care At Home For Alzheimer's Disease And Other Dementias - Includes The Caregiver Self-Care Guide Ben Clardy
Snore Wars!: If snoring is ruining your nights, here’s how to win the day Dr. Michael Oko MBBS FRCS(Ed) FRCS (ORL-HNS)
500 Ketogenic Recipes: Hundreds of Easy and Delicious Recipes for Losing Weight, Improving Your Health, and Staying in the Ketogenic Zone Dana Carpender
Pencil-Free Puzzles: 60-Second Brain Teasers: Short Head-Scratchers from the Easy to Near Impossible Nathan Haselbauer
Soulful Baker: From highly creative fruit tarts and pies to chocolate, desserts and weekend brunch Julie Jones5
Crime Puzzles: 60 Second Brain Teasers: Short Forensic Mysteries to Challenge Your Inner Amateur Detective Diane Capri
Intermittent Fasting Cookbook: Fast-Friendly Recipes for Optimal Health, Weight Loss, and Results Nicole Poirier
Keto: A Woman's Guide: The Groundbreaking Program for Effective Fat-Burning, Weight Loss & Hormonal Balance Tasha Metcalf
Super Low-Carb Snacks: 100 Delicious Keto and Paleo Treats for Fat Burning and Great Nutrition Martina Slajerova
Keto Simple: Over 100 Delicious Low-Carb Meals That Are Easy on Time, Budget, and Effort Martina Slajerova3.3
The Beginner's KetoDiet Cookbook: Over 100 Delicious Whole Food, Low-Carb Recipes for Getting in the Ketogenic Zone, Breaking Your Weight-Loss Plateau, and Living Keto for Life Martina Slajerova
Keto: A Woman's Guide and Cookbook: The Groundbreaking Program for Effective Fat-Burning, Weight Loss & Hormonal Balance Tasha Metcalf
What Happens to Faith When Christians Get Dementia?: The Faith Experience and Practice of Evangelical Christians Living with Mild to Moderate Dementia 'Tricia Williams