1. The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook Rachel Saunders
  2. Hubert Keller's Souvenirs: Stories & Recipes from My Life Hubert Keller
  3. Practically Raw: Flexible Raw Recipes Anyone Can Make Amber Shea Crawley
  4. The Animal Farm Buttermilk Cookbook: Recipes and Reflections from a Small Vermont Dairy Diane St. Clair
  5. Mexican Flavors: Contemporary Recipes from Camp San Miguel Hugh Carpenter
  6. Pickles, Pigs & Whiskey: Recipes from My Three Favorite Food Groups and Then Some John Currence
  7. Stock, Broth & Bowl: Recipes for Cooking, Drinking & Nourishing Jonathan Bender
  8. Mary Mac's Tea Room: 65 Years of Recipes from Atlanta's Favorite Dining Room John Ferrell
  9. Bitterman's Craft Salt Cooking: The Single Ingredient That Transforms All Your Favorite Foods and Recipes Mark Bitterman
  10. America's Best Ribs Paul Kirk
  11. Tupelo Honey Cafe: New Southern Flavors from the Blue Ridge Mountains Elizabeth Sims
  12. The Artist, the Cook, and the Gardener: Recipes Inspired by Painting from the Garden Maryjo Koch
  13. Tupelo Honey Cafe: Spirited Recipes from Asheville's New South Kitchen Elizabeth Sims
  14. Vegan Family Meals: Real Food for Everyone Ann Gentry
  15. My Nepenthe: Bohemian Tales of Food, Family, and Big Sur Romney Steele
  16. Hubert Keller's Christmas in Alsace Hubert Keller
  17. Hubert Keller's Souvenirs: Stories & Recipes from My Life Hubert Keller
  18. Real Food for Everyone: Vegan-Friendly Meals for Meat-Lovers, Vegetarians, and Vegans Ann Gentry
  19. 4-Ingredient BLW Recipes: The Big Baby-Led Weaning Cookbook with Simple Recipes to Start Solids for Babies from 6 Months Onwards (Healthy BLW Recipes for a Safe Introduction of Solid Foods) Franka Lederbogen
  20. How to Start Solids: Starting Solids for Your Baby with Puree and Finger Foods (The Basic Book for Starting Solid Food and Baby-Led Weaning, Including a 4-Week Guide) Franka Lederbogen
  21. One More Slice: Sourdough Bread, Pizza, Pasta and Sweet Pastries Leila Lindholm
  22. Preserving: Jams, Jellies, Pickles and More Carol Wilson
  23. Grandmother's Recipes Vivian Head
  24. 1000 Recipe Cookbook Arcturus Publishing
  25. The 30-Day Carnivore Boot Camp: A Beginner’s Guide to Successfully Doing an All-Meat Lifestyle Jacie Gregory
  26. Napoli on the Road: Contemporary recipes for delicious Neapolitan pizza Michele Pascarella
  27. The Italian Kitchen: More than 100 delicious recipes, from arancini to zabaglione Maxine Clark
  28. World War II Recipes S Cohen
  29. Jacques Pépin New Complete Techniques, A Sampler: 13 Techniques, 7 Recipes Jacques Pépin
  30. Gesund durch Detox: Der große Entgiftungsratgeber mit vielen gesunden Detox-Rezepten (100 % vegan für eine gesunde Ernährung) Luise Brechbühler
  31. 30 Pflanzen pro Woche: Das Kochbuch für ein langes gesundes Leben: Rezepte, die das Darm-Mikrobiom stärken Katharina Seiser
  32. Booklet: 30 Pflanzen pro Woche: Ihr kostenfreier Guide für ein gesundes Darm-Mikrobiom Katharina Seiser
  33. Vegan Diet for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide for Rapid Weight Loss, Improve Heart Health and Reduce Inflammation with Vegan Foods Laura Haworth
  34. Baking Secrets Rudolf Vincent T. Manabat
  35. Notes From My Kitchen Reggie Aspiras
  36. My Mexico: Authentic Traditional Family Recipes Cookbook Anna N. Monteleone
  37. Lekker Fred in het land Freddy Tratlehner
  38. Super Simple Recipes for Weight-Loss Surgery Recovery: Easy, Delicious Recipes to Support Health Margaret Furtado
  39. 101 Things To Do With an Air Fryer Donna Kelly
  40. 101 More Things To Do With Bacon Eliza Cross
  41. How D'ya Like Them Apples Madge Baird
  42. The Llamacorn Cookbook Barbara Beery
  43. Muffins Georgie Patrick
  44. Mi Mexico: Libro de cocina con auténticas recetas tradicionales familiares Anna N. Monteleone
  45. Mein Mexiko: Kochbuch mit authentischen traditionellen Familienrezepten Anna N. Monteleone
  46. The Barbuto Cookbook: California-Italian Cooking from the Beloved West Village Restaurant Jonathan Waxman
  47. Matty Matheson: Home Style Cookery Matty Matheson
  48. Mon Mexique: Livre de recettes familiales traditionnelles authentiques Anna N. Monteleone
  49. Instant Pot Korean Cookbook: Traditional Favorites Made Fast and Easy Christy Lee
  50. The Vegan Japanese Cookbook: 75 Favorites Made Simple Yoko Segawa