1. Kitab-Kitab Deuterokanonika: Terjemahan Baru – Dengan Pengantar dan Catatan Lembaga Biblika Indonesia
  2. Secrets of the Vatican Cyrus Shahrad
  3. The Wisdom and Prayers of the Pope Arcturus Publishing
  4. Die Geheimnisse Des Vatikan: Enthullungen aus der Machtzentrale der Kirche [German] Cyrus Shahrad
  5. Sanctum Sanctorum: On the One Whose Name Is Holy Justin Mandela Roberts
  6. Communion Ecclesiology and Social Transformation in African Catholicism: Between Vatican Council II and African Synod II Idara Otu
  7. Integral Human Development: Challenges to Sustainability and Democracy Various authors
  8. Women’s Ordination in the Catholic Church John O’Brien
  9. The Bad Popes E.R. Chamberlin
  10. 세상의 주인 : 로버트 휴 벤슨 장편 소설 로버트 휴 벤슨
  11. Mission to Kilimanjaro: The Founding History of a Catholic Mission in East Africa Alexandre Le Roy
  12. Subordinated Ethics: Natural Law and Moral Miscellany in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky Caitlin Smith Gilson
  13. A Catholic Pilgrimage through American History: People and Places that Shaped the Church in the United States Kevin Schmiesing
  14. Al Santo que me habita: Poesías para orar Walter R. Chiesa
  15. Romeins verblijf Antoine Bodar
  16. Juan Pablo II - La huella Philippe Olivier
  17. Dialogues with God: Paths of Faith and Inner Self-Discovery Discover How Spirituality Guides You Toward Serenity and Personal Fulfillment Giacomo Miotto
  18. Levend lichaam Henk de Roest
  19. 하나님의 임재 연습 로렌스 형제
  20. Evangelii Gaudium: On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World Pope Francis
  21. The Catholic Church: A Short History Hans Kung
  22. MIRIAM Charo Porto Llovo
  23. The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence
  24. SANTO ROSARIO Fidem Dei
  25. Heaven or Heresy: A History of the Inquisition Thomas F. Madden
  26. Vergüenza: Abusos en la Iglesia católica
  27. Apologia Pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman’s Defense of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Doctrine and Piety (New Edition) Robert M. Andrews
  28. In het voetspoor van de komende Stephan van Erp
  29. The People Are Kind: A Religious History of Iowa Bill R. Douglas
  30. The Life of Christ in the Mass Saint Vincent Ferrer, O.P.
  31. Espiritualidad y Mística Popular Bernardo Olivera
  32. Brucker Leben nach dem Tod Erwin Brucker
  33. Saint Anthony: Ancedotes Proving the Miraculous Power of St. Anthony Ingersoll B. Lockwood
  34. The Wild Knight and Other Poems G.K. Chesterton
  35. The Best Is Yet to Come: Paths of Faith to Overcome Pain: The Strength of Hope and Prayer AI
  36. St. Francis of Assisi G. K. Chesterton
  37. Saint Faustina Kowalska: A Life Inspired Wyatt North
  38. Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary Bob Lord
  39. The Catholic Church in the Modern Age Thomas F. Madden
  40. Laicos consagrados por el bautismo Roger Mullor Rodríguez
  41. Franciscus: de weg van eenvoud Hein Stufkens
  42. Advent & Christmas: Prayer for the Journey Christopher Walker
  43. Hoop: De autobiografie Paus Franciscus
  44. Rumbo a la plenitud Cipriano Sánchez García
  45. Der Name der Rose von Umberto Eco (Lektürehilfe): Detaillierte Zusammenfassung, Personenanalyse und Interpretation Nathalie Roland
  46. The Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California: A Personal History James L. Heft SM
  47. El primado del obispo de Roma: Orígenes históricos y consolidación (siglos IV-VI) Ramón Teja
  48. La historia de Tobías Lope de Vega
  49. My Burden Is Light: Suffering and Consolation in the Christian Life Saint John of Avila
  50. 8. Psicología y Sociología del Satanismo: Libro 8 de 27 HUGO RAMON ZAMORANO SANCHEZ