1. Revolution & Other Essays: “Intelligent men are cruel. Stupid men are monstrously cruel. ” Jack London
  2. Inheritocracy: It's Time to Talk About the Bank of Mum and Dad Eliza Filby
  3. The Hidden History of the American Dream: The Demise of the Middle Class—and How to Rescue Our Future Thom Hartmann
  4. Unjust Debts: How Our Bankruptcy System Makes America More Unequal Melissa B. Jacoby
  5. Family, Welfare, and the State: Between Progressivism and the New Deal Mariarosa Dalla Costa
  6. Wages for Students Wages for Students
  7. In the Name of the People Liaisons
  8. May Day F. Scott Fitzgerald
  9. Now and After: The ABC of Communist Anarchism Alexander Berkman
  10. Vanity Fair Volume 1 William Makepeace Thackeray
  11. Vanity Fair Volume 2 William Makepeace Thackeray
  12. Practicing New Worlds: Abolition and Emergent Strategies Andrea J. Ritchie
  13. البيان الشيوعي كارل ماركس وفريدريك إنجلز
  14. Zij Jennifer Weiner
  15. De schilder van Barcelona Ildefonso Falcones
  16. Up from Nothing: The Untold Story of How We (All) Succeed John Hope Bryant
  17. Een Europese edelman in Amerongen: Godard graaf van Aldenburg Bentinck (1857-1940), laverend tussen dynastieke, lokale en (inter)nationale belangen Leo van Putten
  18. The National Telepathy Roque Larraquy
  19. Speaking Volumes Gordon Griffin
  20. Hacia la periferia: Las movilidades de las clases populares Fernando Calonge Reillo
  21. Los múltiples caminos a la subsistencia: Movilidades y accesibilidad desde espacios no centrales de la metrópoli Fernando Calonge Reillo
  22. La casa de la alegría Edith Wharton
  23. A Descending Spiral: Exposing the Death Penalty in 12 Essays Marc Bookman
  24. الفار في الصاعد عزت أمين
  25. Ghost in the Criminal Justice Machine: Reform, White Supremacy, and an Abolitionist Future Emile Suotonye DeWeaver
  26. A Southern Panther: Conversations with Malik Rahim James R. Tracy
  27. Duct-tape Community: Hope for Neighborliness in an Unequal World Jim Herbst
  28. Caste by Isabel Wilkerson: Key Takeaways, Summary & Analysis American Classics
  29. Votaciones inesperadas del trabajador: ¡Transforma tu preparación para las votaciones inesperadas del trabajador! Accede a lecciones de audio potentes para triunfar. Aldric Sable
  30. Still Breathing: 100 Black Voices on Racism--100 Ways to Change the Narrative Suzette Llewellyn
  31. Una economía incompleta. Perú 1950-2007: Análisis estructural Efraín Gonzales de Olarte
  32. Mordew Alex Pheby
  33. The Tolls of Uncertainty: How Privilege and the Guilt Gap Shape Unemployment in America Sarah Damaske
  34. Palaces of Revolution: Life, Death and Art at the Stuart Court Simon Thurley
  35. Despertar consciente por la dignidad de un pueblo Isabel Cortés Tabilo
  36. Real Lace: America's Irish Rich Stephen Birmingham
  37. The Right People: The Social Establishment in America Stephen Birmingham
  38. Blood and Money: War, Slavery, Finance, and Empire David McNally
  39. Fatal Zero. A Diary Kept at Homburg: A Scandalous Journal of 19th-Century European Aristocratic Life Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald
  40. Modern Socialism: Championing Social Justice: A Vision for a More Equitable Future Annie Besant
  41. Coatlicue Sanjuanita: La peregrinación a San Juan de los Lagos: un rito solidario de retorno a Aztlán José Gerardo Bohórquez Molina
  42. Justicia educacional: Desafíos para las ideas, las instituciones y las prácticas en la educación chilena Varios Autores
  43. Tastoanes de Tonalá: Danza Guerrera acompañada de tambor y chirimía María Honoria de Jesús Hurtado Solís
  44. Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay: The Case for Economic Disobedience and Debt Abolition: The Case for Economic Disobedience and Debt Abolition The Debt Collective
  45. M'n lieve Audrina Virginia Andrews
  46. Fractured: Why our societies are coming apart and how we put them back together again Jon Yates
  47. A Visitor's Guide to Jane Austen's England Sue Wilkes
  48. Kind van de duisternis Virginia Andrews
  49. Yaun Dasiyan : Asia Ka Sex Bazar | यौन दासियाँ : एशिया का सेक्स बाज़ार लुइज़ ब्राउन
  50. black girl, no magic: reflections on race and respectability Kimberly McIntosh