1. Jesus Listens for Christmas: 25 Prayers and Devotions for Kids Sarah Young
  2. Resilience Rising: Finding Your Way Through Life's Toughest Moments D. Scott Barfoot
  3. The Magic in the Tragic: Rewriting the Script on Grief and Discovering Happiness in Our Darkest Days John Tsilimparis
  4. Buddhan hipaisu: Harjoituksia hereilläoloon Monika Luukkonen
  5. A Fruitful Life: Four Steps to Making the Right Decision Every Time Dr. Anita Phillips
  6. Lost and Found & The Canvas of Dreams: An Artful Awakening Marianne Nems
  7. The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch: The Watchers, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and the End of the World Harold Roth
  8. God Hasn't Forgotten You: 24 Remarkable Ways God Is Working in You and Through You Robert J. Morgan
  9. Slow Burn: The Work and Wonder of the Wait DawnChere Wilkerson
  10. The Bumpy Road to Better: Unlocking the Hidden Power in Hard Things Tim Timberlake
  11. Taming Your Money Monster: 9 Paths to Money Mastery with the Enneagram Doug Lynam
  12. The Story of God and Us: Finding Our Place and Purpose in God's Plan for the World Jonathan Murphy
  13. Romans: From Sin Management to Love Unleashed J.D. Walt
  14. Elemental Magick: Reconnect with Nature through Spells, Rituals, and Meditations D. J. Conway
  15. Love It Forward Jeff Brown
  16. How to Be a Refugee: The gripping true story of how one family hid their Jewish origins to survive the Nazis Simon May
  17. Dreamcatcher: A Son's Collection of Dreams About His Late Mother and Brother Joshua Peter Oed
  18. Ajattele kuin munkki: Kehitä mieltäsi ja saavuta sisäinen rauha Jay Shetty
  19. Herzensreise: Meditation zum Einschlafen. Entdecke die heilende Kraft der Selbstliebe: Diese Meditation ist dein Schlüssel zu tiefem inneren Frieden und bedingungsloser Akzeptanz Raphael Kempermann
  20. Jesus-Christ, the Refugee! Marien-Edgard Ngbali BEMI
  21. The God You Need to Know: Audio Bible Studies: 12 Practices to Awaken Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit Margaret Feinberg
  22. The New Testament You Never Knew: Audio Bible Studies: Exploring the Context, Purpose, and Meaning of the Story of God N. T. Wright
  23. Emotionally Healthy Relationships: Audio Bible Studies: Discipleship that Deeply Changes Your Relationship with Others Peter Scazzero
  24. I Give Up: Audio Bible Studies: The Secret Joy of a Surrendered Life Laura Story
  25. No More Holding Back: Audio Bible Studies: Emboldening Women to Move Past Barriers, See Their Worth, and Serve God Everywhere Kat Armstrong
  26. Redeemed: Audio Bible Studies: How God Satisfies the Longing Soul Will Graham
  27. The Nehemiah Code: Audio Bible Studies: It's Never Too Late for a New Beginning O. S. Hawkins
  28. Uninvited: Audio Bible Studies: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely Lysa TerKeurst
  29. Get Your Life Back: Audio Bible Studies: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad John Eldredge
  30. The Missing Peace: How to Be Held Together When You’re Falling Apart Tim Ross
  31. Alpine Witchery: Austrian Folk Magic, Lore & Spellcraft Christian Brunner
  32. Field Guide to Church of the Wild Victoria Loorz
  33. A Mensagem Espiritual de Divaldo Franco George De Marco
  34. Transform Ordinary Lives into Extraordinary Adventures with Hidden Secrets: "Unlock extraordinary adventures! Dive into captivating audio lessons fueling your journey to hidden secrets and transformation." Soren Blackridge
  35. Clouds: A Memoir Laura Sobiech
  36. The Masonic Initiation: Expanded Centenial Edition Walter Leslie Wilmshurst
  37. Märkliga händelser från Hälsingland Harry Tunong
  38. Nein sagen ohne Schuldgefühle: Gesunde Grenzen setzen John Townsend
  39. Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Sally Lloyd-Jones
  40. Niksen: Embracing the Dutch Art of Doing Nothing Olga Mecking
  41. The Essential Sermons of Billy Graham, Volume One: Collected Sermons from the 1950s-1960s Billy Graham
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  43. Count your Contradictions: Finding Richness in the Maze of your Mind Hubert Hermans
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  45. Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World: Certain Hope In Uncertain Times Dr. David Jeremiah
  46. The Likely Future: Briefings from Pax: (The Rest of the Story) Penelope Jean Hayes
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  48. Deadfall: A John Hutchinson Novel Robert Liparulo
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