1. Break the Limits of Your Brain: Unlocking Mental Power, Enhancing Memory, and Cultivating Lifelong Learning Leonard Murru
  2. Retroactive Jealousy: Releasing the Grip of Past Insecurities and Building Trust in Your Love Life D.N. Boons
  3. The Magic in the Tragic: Rewriting the Script on Grief and Discovering Happiness in Our Darkest Days John Tsilimparis
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  5. To Hell With It Claire Frances
  6. Levensvuur: Over kwetsbaarheid, veerkracht en het overwinnen van obstakels Robin Imthorn
  7. How to Master Your Inner Superman Kenneth Rogers Jr.
  8. A Fruitful Life: Four Steps to Making the Right Decision Every Time Dr. Anita Phillips
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  10. The Mind-Body Cure: Heal Your Pain, Anxiety, and Fatigue by Controlling Chronic Stress Bal Pawa
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  21. Get Your Life Back: Audio Bible Studies: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad John Eldredge
  22. The Missing Peace: How to Be Held Together When You’re Falling Apart Tim Ross
  23. Clouds: A Memoir Laura Sobiech
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