1. TOI, CE FUTUR OFFICIER DE GENDARMERIE: La méthode infaillible en 7 points pour réussir le concours Pierre-Etienne HOURLIER
  2. Moral Imperative: 1972, Combat Rescue, and the End of America's War in Vietnam Darrel D. Whitcomb
  3. Broken Arrow: How the U.S. Navy Lost a Nuclear Bomb Jim Winchester
  4. Operaatio Kaleva: Päämajan kaukopartioiden suurin isku ja sen taustat Pekka Turunen
  5. Aselevon maksumiehet: Suomalaiset merimiehet natsi-Saksan keskitysleireillä 1944-1945 Pertti Rönkkö
  6. Child Soldiers: The Tragic Exploitation of Youth in Armed Conflicts Marcus Kline
  7. The Tales of a Tiger: Memoirs from the Vietnam War Michael R. Farley
  8. Ghosts of a Holy War: The 1929 Massacre in Palestine that Ignited the Arab-Israeli Conflict Yardena Schwartz
  9. A Realistic Path to Peace: From Genocide to Global War... and How We Can Stop It Dee Charles Knight
  10. Transform Your Trading: Secrets for Maximum Profit In Every Market: "Unlock trading mastery! Dive into transformative audio lessons for maximum profit in any market." Lysander Ashcombe
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  19. Watching the Jackals: Prague's Covert Liaisons with Cold War Terrorists and Revolutionaries Daniela Richterova
  20. First Class Comrades: The Stasi in the Cold War, 1945-1961 J. Boulter
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  27. Cunning Schemes: A High-Stakes Game Inside the U.S. Navy: "Gear up for Cunning Schemes! Engaging audio lessons await to sharpen your Navy strategy skills." Ashwin Fenwick
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  33. Pontiac's War: The 1763 Native American Rebellion against the British Kelly Mass
  34. Auf Feindfahrt mit U 139: Weltkriegsthriller über ein deutsches U-Boot im Einsatz Stefan Köhler
  35. The Art of War Sun Tzu
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  43. Saddam Hussein: Warmonger, Invader, Dictator, and Oil Trader Kelly Mass
  44. History of Iran: Events, Turning Points, Religion, and Empirical Conquests Kelly Mass
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