FOOD THERAPY FOR CANCER: A Guide to Nutritional Healing during Cancer Treatment. Eating for Healing. Food as Medicine Ashley Fitzgerald
Conquer Cancer: The Unseen Power of Personalized Nutrition: "Elevate your fight against cancer! Access compelling audio lessons for powerful insights on personalized nutrition." Alden Ashworth
Geheimakte Selbstheilung: Geheimes Wissen rund um Körper, Seele und Geist Karlheinz Greim-Fürstenberg
Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God: A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus David Butts
Nourish Your Body: Break Free and Defeat Cancer Today: "Transform your wellness! Access engaging audio lessons crafted to help you break free from cancer's hold." Ronan Ashford
Das Lebensdingens - Jetzt erst recht! Mit Selbstironie und positiven Gedanken dem Krebs in den Hintern treten. Sandra Polli-Holstein