1. CERN og Den store åbning Merete Pryds Helle
  2. How Premonitions Really Work: Learn About and Change Your Future Martin K Ettington
  3. Einstein: Book Summary & Analysis David Sterling
  4. Brief Answers to the Big Questions: Book Summary & Analysis Stephen Hawking
  5. Breves respuestas a las grandes preguntas: Resumen y Análisis Stephen Hawking
  6. Transform Your Thinking: Secrets to Navigating Life's Complex Webs: "Transform your perspective! Engage with captivating audio lessons that simplify life’s complexities for success." Sullivan Wexley
  7. Quantum Machine Learning for Beginners: Exploring Quantum Machine Learning from Scratch Chuck Sherman
  8. تاريخ موجز للزمان - من الانفجار الكبير حتى الثقوب السوداء ستفين هوكنج
  9. موجز سيرتي الذاتية ستفين هوكنج
  10. الواقع الخفي برايان جرين
  11. The TR-3B Black Manta: What is it Really? Martin K Ettington
  12. Quantum Computing Impact: Unleashing the Power of Data for the Future Chuck Sherman
  13. SIMULATED LIVES: ARE WE ALREADY LIVING IN A MATRIX?: Micro Book - A25 (The Matrix Unveiled: Reality, Control, and the Future of Freedom) Ciro Irmici
  14. Physics: Uncovering the Laws That Govern the Universe (4 in 1) Jeron Iris
  15. Science: Foundations and Frontiers of Knowledge Across Disciplines (15 in 1) Jeron Iris
  16. Физика без преград. Увлекательные научные факты, истории, эксперименты Валерия Черепенчук
  17. العلم والحياة د. علي مصطفى مشرفة
  18. The Art of Physics: How Science Explains the Chaos, Contradictions, and Unpredictability of Life Zahaan Bharmal
  19. التاريخ الأكثر إيجازاً للزمن ستيفن هوكينج
  20. Digital Horizons: Where Technology Ends and Humanity Begins DemystifyTech
  21. عن هذا الكون الفسيح نيل ديغراس تايسون
  22. Stephen Hawking: En fortælling om venskab og fysik Leonard Mlodinow
  23. Atoms Unleashed: Fusion's Promise to Revolutionize Human Existence John Harpoon
  24. Atomic Hide-and-Seek: The Ongoing Quest for a Concealed Weapon of Mass Destruction John Harpoon
  25. Структура реальности: Наука параллельных вселенных Дэвид Дойч
  26. Можно ли забить гвоздь в космосе и другие вопросы о космонавтике Сергей Рязанский
  27. The Science Fact Book for Children: Fascinating Science and Nature Facts to Inspire Curiosity and Family Fun Martin Villoria
  28. Book Review: A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking: A summary of humanity's study of the universe 50minutes
  29. A história da ciência para quem tem pressa: De Galileu a Stephen Hawking em 200 páginas! Nicola Chalton
  30. The Iran Nuclear Deal: Negotiations, Sanctions, and the Quest for Regional Stability Fredrich Hazelton
  31. Top Ten Ideas of Physics: Foundations for Understanding the Universe A. Zee
  32. Sound's Fury Unleashed: The Sonic Phenomenon That Defies Natural Laws John Harpoon
  33. Historical Reflections Of Physics: From Archimedes, ..., Einstein Till Present Santo Armenia
  34. المادة السوداء لاك كراوتش
  35. Science and Technology: Exploring the Cutting Edge of Discovery (5 in 1) John Harpoon
  36. Helgoland Carlo Rovelli
  37. Quantum Physics in Minutes: The Easy Guide In Plain Simple English For Beginners Who Flunked Math And Science Donald B. Grey
  38. La physique Quantique pour les Débutants: De la Mécanique Quantique aux Trous Noirs, à la Théorie des Cordes et à la Théorie du Tout – Applications Concrètes et Curiosités Accessibles à Tous Andrew Reeves
  39. Albert Einstein – The Genius Who Redefined Physics: The Life, Discoveries, and Legacy of the World’s Most Influential Scientist Jake Rose
  40. Hawking Hawking: The Selling of a Scientific Celebrity Charles Seife
  41. Quantum Physics for Beginners Who Flunked Math And Science: Quantum Mechanics And Physics Made Easy Guide In Plain Simple English Donald B. Grey
  42. The 60 Minute Quantum Physics Book: Science Made Easy For Beginners Without Math And In Plain Simple English Donald B. Grey
  43. Hypertodellisuus: Olet olemassa ja merkittävä Johanna Blomqvist
  44. 50 Quantum Physics Questions In Plain Simple English: Simple And Easy Answers Without Math For Beginners Donald B. Grey
  45. Bèta voor alfa's Diederik Jekel
  46. Blue: In Search of Nature's Rarest Color Kai Kupferschmidt
  47. Dreams of a Final Theory Steven Weinberg
  48. The Higgs Boson: Searching for the God Particle Scientific American
  49. 1984 George Orwell
  50. The Life Cycles of Stars: The History of the Lives and Deaths of Stars Charles River Editors