1. Comprendre Bataille Olivier Koettlit
  2. Jymäyttämisen taito: Strategiaoppeja muinaisesta Kiinasta Matti Nojonen
  3. Poetics Aristotle
  4. Inteligencia artificial y humanismo tecnológico. Alfredo Marcos
  5. Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World Martin K Ettington
  6. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius
  7. Comprendre Plotin Sébastien Barbara
  8. Comprendre Rousseau Marie-Pierre Frondziak
  9. Filosofia ao pé do ouvido:: Felicidade, ética, amizade e outros temas Ilan Brenman
  10. Köyhiä sukulaisia Ljudmila Ulitskaja
  11. Tomas Tankar, del 2 Tomas Öberg
  12. The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius
  13. Meditations Marcus Aurelius
  14. Ramayana: Raman tarina osa 1 Taavi Kassila
  15. Autobiography of a Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda
  16. How To Teach Classics to Your Dog Philip Womack
  17. Mundo loco - Guerra, cine, sexo Slavoj Žižek
  18. Filosofielessen voor avonturiers Erling Kagge
  19. Ajattele kuin munkki: Kehitä mieltäsi ja saavuta sisäinen rauha Jay Shetty
  20. Crítica de la Razón Pura Immanuel Kant
  21. DNA Lotte Bjergbæk
  22. Det største i det mindste: Hvad bakterierne kan lære os om at sætte meningsfulde mål Morten O.A. Sommer
  23. Kaizen: Embracing Continuous Improvement: Unlocking the Power of Incremental Growth in Personal and Professional Life Ethan Grant
  24. Embracing Imperfection: The Beauty of Wabi-Sabi: Finding Grace and Meaning in the Art of the Impermanent Anna Reed
  25. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals Immanuel Kant
  26. Skibe Morten Ravn
  27. Was ist Aufklärung? Immanuel Kant
  28. Shamans and Robots: On Ritual, the Placebo Effect, and Artificial Consciousness Roger Bartra
  29. Make Bold Choices Today for the Life You Desire Tomorrow: "Embrace bold choices today and unlock the life you desire with our transformative audio lessons!" Orson Merriweather
  30. Konsten att fördärva sitt liv - eller inte Stefan Einhorn
  31. الرقص مع الحياة مهدي الموسوي
  32. أريد أن أعيش مهدي الموسوي
  33. جمهورية الله عبد الرزّاق الجبران
  34. الوجودية أنيس منصور
  35. El Secreto de la Flor de Oro: Un Libro de la Vida Chino Carl Gustav Jung
  36. Mentalismo para Todos Rubén Cedeño
  37. Les Stoïciens. L'âme tranquille Brigitte Boudon
  38. Handbüchlein der Moral: Ein praktischer Leitfaden zur Philosophie der Stoa Epiktet
  39. Handorakel und Kunst der Weltklugheit: Das Buch der philosophischen Sinnsprüche Balthasar Gracián
  40. Die nackte Wahrheit Hans Blumenberg
  41. Het verborgen leven van stenen: Een geologische biografie van de aarde Marcia Bjornerud
  42. Ordinary Girl: Short social story Dr. Hossam Sabry
  43. Il mistico di città Vitaliano Bilotta
  44. The Art of War Sun Tzu
  45. Secrets to Transform Your Life: Daily Wisdom for Modern Living: “Transform your daily routine! Listen to power-packed audio lessons filled with wisdom to enhance your life!” Chance Verne
  46. Transform Your Perspective: Secrets to Revolutionary Thinking: "Transform your thinking! Discover powerful audio lessons designed to ignite revolutionary ideas and inspire change." Lysander Corbin
  47. Hedonism: The Pursuit and Philosophy of Pleasure as a Way of Life Hector Davidson
  48. Tid för förändring Patricia Tudor-Sandahl
  49. The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences Michel Foucault
  50. Die Überraschung: oder Die Chance der Störung Wolf Lotter