1. Meditations Marcus Aurelius
  2. Capturing Kahanamoku: How a Surfing Legend and a Scientific Obsession Redefined Race and Culture Michael Rossi
  3. Epicurus: Pleasure, Atoms, and the Good Life Hector Davidson
  4. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals Immanuel Kant
  5. The Divine Comedy. Inferno Dante Alighieri
  6. The Divine Comedy. Paradise Dante Alighieri
  7. Vastuun FightBack Pekka Hyysalo
  8. Eläinlääkärinä teurastamossa Lina Gustafsson
  9. What We Owe the Future: Book Summary & Analysis William MacAskill
  10. Ética demostrada según el orden geométrico Baruch Spinoza
  11. Ethics: A History of Moral Thought Peter Kreeft
  12. The Moral Compass: Navigating Right and Wrong in Modern Times Henry J. Howes
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  28. علم الأخلاق باروخ سبينوزا ترجمة: مروة مغربي
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  38. Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Nietzsche
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  48. Meditations: Book Summary & Analysis Marcus Aurelius
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