1. Amazon FBA A Beginners Guide To Selling On Amazon, Making Money And Finding Products That Turns Into Cash Red Mikhail
  2. FBA Product Research 101: A First-Time FBA Sellers Guide to Understanding Product Research Behind Amazon’s Most Profitable Products Red Mikhail
  3. Worte, die verkaufen - Die Kunst des Copywritings: Lerne schnell und einfach eine geldbringende Fähigkeit Patrick Wagner
  4. Build Your Audience: The 60-Day Traffic Attraction Playbook to Increase Your Leads and Sales as a Writer, Coach, or Speaker Jonathan Milligan
  5. Make me not me: Produktberättelser som säljdrivare och identitetsbyggare Ingemar Fredriksson
  6. The Next Dimension: How to Use Augmented Reality For Business Growth In The Era of Spatial Computing Tom Emrich
  7. Hey Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Advertising, 6th Edition Luke Sullivan
  8. Moving In-house: Why it might be good for your business to in-house your marketing activities. And how to do it. Kasper Sierslev
  9. Book Review: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell: The little things that make a difference 50minutes
  10. The Shocking Truth about Consumerism Zoey Fraisers
  11. Pathway To Profit (Second Edition) Jacob Healy
  12. Eating the Big Fish: How Challenger Brands Can Compete Against Brand Leaders Adam Morgan
  13. Driven: Inside BMW, the Most Admired Car Company in the World David Kiley
  14. Social Media Marketing for Business: The Ultimate Guide that will Reveal to You How to Build a Successful Personal Social Media Manager Brand and Use Social Media to achieve financial freedom Mark Brandon
  15. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America's Top Copywriters Joseph Sugarman
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  22. Hype Yourself: A no-nonsense DIY PR toolkit for small businesses Lucy Werner
  23. The Shocking Truth about Luxury Brands Zoey Fraisers
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  27. R.E.D. Marketing: The Three Ingredients of Leading Brands Ken Muench
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  30. Catch the Buzz: Secrets Behind Why Trends Go Viral: “Supercharge your understanding of viral trends with captivating audio lessons for success in the digital age!” Harlan Crowe
  31. Mastering the Art of Advertising Sachin Naha
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  33. Make me not me: Product stories as sales driver and identity builder Ingemar Fredriksson
  34. The Advertising Concept: The Ultimate Guide on Successful Advertising, Learn Advertising Tips and Paid Advertising Secrets That Would Help Your Advertising Campaigns for Your Business Brannon Driscoll
  35. Advertising Hacks Bundle: 2 in 1 Bundle, The Website Advertising and The Advertising Concept Leonard Abram
  36. Starting A Business Quickstart Guide: Learn How To Transform A Simple Idea In A Business Plan & Scaling Up. Learn To Do Lead Generation For Your Business & Scale Up To $100.000\Month Michael Cooper
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