1. The Hollywood Canteen: Where the Greatest Generation Danced with the Most Beautiful Girls in the World Lisa Mitchell
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  3. Как снять кино без денег Арсений Гончуков
  4. Ma mère rit Chantal Akerman
  5. انا والسينما ابراهيم عبدالمجيد
  6. Understanding Movies: The Art and History of Films: Film History and Technique Raphael Shargel
  7. The Thin Man: Murder Over Cocktails Charles Tranberg
  8. But What I Really Want to Do Is Direct: Lessons from a Life Behind the Camera: Lessons from a Life Behind the Camera Ken Kwapis
  9. Why Wakanda Matters: What Black Panther Reveals About Psychology, Identity, and Communication
  10. A história do cinema para quem tem pressa: Dos Irmãos Lumière ao Século 21 em 200 Páginas! Celso Sabadin
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  12. لقاء مع الناقدة السينماية ماجدة خير الله ماجدة خير الله ومصطفى شهيب
  13. Fever: The Complete History of Saturday Night Fever Margo Donohue
  14. Little Women Podcast: Season 5 Niina Niskanen
  15. Ron Howard: From Mayberry to the Moon... and Beyond: From Mayberry to the Moon...and Beyond Beverly Gray
  16. Профессия-звукооформитель. Синхронные шумы в кино Тимофей Вольский
  17. Gung Ho Filmmaking: AKA Eyepiece, Adventures in Canadian Film and Television Vic Sarin
  18. Titanic: Fuera y Dentro del Cine Santiago Machain
  19. Apropos ingenting: Erindringer Woody Allen
  20. Robert Altman and the Elaboration of Hollywood Storytelling Mark Minett
  21. Stories In Motion: The Filmmaker Entrepreneur Vincent Weberink
  22. Wild Minds: The Artists and Rivalries That Inspired the Golden Age of Animation Reid Mitenbuler
  23. Chasing The Light: Writing, Directing, and Surviving Platoon, Midnight Express, Scarface, Salvador, and the Movie Game Oliver Stone
  24. You’re Only as Good as Your Next One: 100 Great Films, 100 Good Films, and 100 for Which I Should Be Shot Mike Medavoy
  25. Release the Snyder Cut: The Crazy True Story Behind the Fight That Saved Zack Snyder's Justice League: The Crazy True Story Behind the Fight That Saved Zack Snyder’s Justice League Sean O'Connell
  26. Picturing Peter Bogdanovich: My Conversations with the New Hollywood Director Peter Tonguette
  27. The Devil’s Candy: The Anatomy of a Hollywood Fiasco Julie Salamon
  28. Interview With a Film Investor: What Should Be In Your Package To Raise Funding? Anthony Johnson
  29. The Films of Steven Spielberg Michael Jolls
  30. #31Days: A Collection of Horror Essays Vol. 1 Robert Gannon
  31. Mars Attacks Memoirs Jonathan Gems
  32. Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film Carol J. Clover
  33. A Companion to Martin Scorsese, Revised Edition
  34. Citizen Trump: A One Man Show Robert Orlando
  35. Fellini onirico: Il lavoro notturno del grande maestro 1973-1990 Monica Vincenzi
  36. A Companion to Steven Spielberg Nigel Morris
  37. Red Star over Hollywood: The Film Colony’s Long Romance with the Left Allis Radosh
  38. Harlow in Hollywood: The Blonde Bombshell in the Glamour Capital, 1928 – 1937 Mark A. Vieira
  39. 10,000 Miles to Go: An American Filmmaking Odyssey Jason Rosette
  40. Chasing the Panther: Adventures and Misadventures of a Cinematic Life Carolyn Pfeiffer
  41. Woke Up This Morning: The Definitive Oral History of The Sopranos Steve Schirripa
  42. Close-Up on Sunset Boulevard: Billy Wilder, Norma Desmond, and the Dark Hollywood Dream Sam Staggs
  43. Stanley Kubrick Chiara Rebutto
  44. A Companion to the Gangster Film George S. Larke-Walsh
  45. Beverly Hills Confidential: A Century of Stars, Scandals and Murders Clark Fogg
  46. Still Just a Geek Wil Wheaton
  47. All About “All About Eve”: The Complete Behind-the-Scenes Story of the Bitchiest Film Ever Made Sam Staggs
  48. Woke Up This Morning: The Definitive Oral History of The Sopranos Steve Schirripa
  49. Mae West: An Icon in Black and White Jill Watts
  50. Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road Kyle Buchanan