1. Herran hylkäämät Sven Hassel
  2. Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine Andrew Roberts
  3. 8 Minuten und 19 Sekunden: Erzählungen Georgi Gospodinov
  4. Physik der Schwermut: Roman Georgi Gospodinov
  5. Kun Nina sai tietää David Grossman
  6. القناص بلايز مينيفسكي
  7. Den blodiga vägen Sven Hassel
  8. Sydlig odyssé : Berättelse Björn-Erik Höijer
  9. Det lyckliga Europa Stig Claesson
  10. Cross & Crescent in the Balkans: The Ottoman Conquest of Southeastern Europe (14th–15th centuries) David Nicolle
  11. Fight for the Sky: The Story of the Spitfire and Hurricane Douglas Bader
  12. Kungarnas land Pajtim Statovci
  13. The Romanian Orthodox Church and the Holocaust Ion Popa
  14. Seeking Sanctuary: A History of Refugees in Britain Jane Marchese Robinson
  15. Kriget Durim Bekteshi
  16. The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta: The Persian Challenge Paul Anthony Rahe
  17. The Spartan Regime: Its Character, Origins and Grand Strategy Paul Anthony Rahe
  18. Sarajevo 1000 dagar - jag Alma Anna Nilsson Spets
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  20. Den sista striden Nils Resare
  21. Sanctioning Modernism: Architecture and the Making of Postwar Identities
  22. The Greek Hoplite Phalanx: The Iconic Heavy Infantry of the Classical Greek World Richard Taylor
  23. Im europäischen Hinterhaus Stefan von Kotze
  24. Mit der Titobahn von Belgrad nach Bar: Noch ein Buch übers Geocaching Holger Michel
  25. Regards en pays Shqipëtar: Jours albanais Atelier Sof
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  27. Denk Dir die Stadt Lejla Kalamujić
  28. Skopje: Entdecke die Hauptstadt Nordmazedoniens Thomas W. Schneider
  29. Plovdiv: City trip in Bulgaria Cristina Rebiere
  30. At the Drop of a Hat Denise Hamilton
  31. Heaven's Wager: A Novel Ted Dekker
  32. When Heaven Weeps: A Novel Ted Dekker
  33. Conversations With Stalin Milovan Djilas
  34. Seeking Sanctuary: A History of Refugees in Britain Jane Marchese Robinson
  35. Hellenic Temples and Christian Churches: A Concise History of the Religious Cultures of Greece from Antiquity to the Present Vasilios N Makrides
  36. God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades Rodney Stark
  37. The Oracle of Stamboul: A Novel Michael David Lukas
  38. Der Zug nach dem Morgenlande Robert Heymann
  39. Skyddsvakten Ingemar Johansson
  40. Combustions Srđan Srdić
  41. Blodröd måne över Villette Ingrid Hedström
  42. No-Signal Area: A Novel Robert Perisic
  43. Smältdegeln i Svartrå Ingemar Johansson
  44. Europe's Steppe Frontier, 1500–1800 William H. McNeill
  45. Works of Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns: Theogony • Works and Days • The Homeric Hymns • The Battle of the Frogs and the Mice
  46. Greece in the Bronze Age Emily Townsend
  47. The Expulsion of Jews from Communist Poland: Memory Wars and Homeland Anxieties Anat Plocker
  48. Notes from the Valley of Slaughter: A Memoir from the Ghetto of Šiauliai, Lithuania Aharon Pick
  49. The Balkans, Italy & Africa 1914–1918: From Sarajevo to the Piave and Lake Tanganyika David Jordan
  50. The Trojan War as Military History Manousos E. Kambouris