The Life of Theodore Roosevelt: Biography of the 26th President of the United StatesEdward Stratemeyer
The True Pirates of the Caribbean: History of Piracy & True Accounts of the Most Notorious PiratesDaniel Defoe
The Warfare of Divided Allegiances: Civil War Collection: 40+ Novels & Stories of Civil War, Including the Rhodes History of the WarJules Verne
The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist: The Slaveholding Indians SeriesAnnie Heloise Abel
History of the Jewish People in America (Vol.1-7): From the Period of the Discovery of the New World to the 20th CenturyPeter Wiernik
The New York Conspiracy: A History of the Negro Plot: With the Journal of the Proceedings Against the Conspirators at New York in the Years 1741-2Daniel Horsmanden
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War: The Slaveholding Indians SeriesAnnie Heloise Abel
The Slaveholding Indians (Vol.1-3): Native Americans as Slaveholder as Participants in the Civil War & Under ReconstructionAnnie Heloise Abel
31 Years on the Plains and in the Mountains: An Authentic Record of a Life Time of Hunting, Trapping, Scouting and Fighting in the Far WestWilliam F. Drannan
Famous Frontiersmen and Heroes of the Border: Their Adventurous Lives and Stirring Experiences in Pioneer DaysCharles Haven Ladd Johnston
The Life & Legacy of William F. Drannan: The Adventures in the Far West: 31 Years on the Plains and in the Mountains & Chief of ScoutsWilliam F. Drannan
The American Indians: Their History, Condition and Prospects, from Original Notes and ManuscriptsHenry Schoolcraft
The Myth of Hiawatha and Other Oral Legends: Myths and Stories of the North American IndiansHenry Schoolcraft
Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake: An Exploratory Trip Through the St. Croix and Burntwood RiversHenry Schoolcraft
The Gospels of Jesus Christ: Collected Early and Later Gospels, Including the History of the BibleVarious Authors
Small Wars Manual: Tactics and Strategies for Engaging in Military OperationsUnited States Marine Corps.
The Extraordinary Life and Works of Luther Standing Bear: My People the Sioux, My Indian Boyhood, The Tragedy of the SiouxLuther Standing Bear
The Land of the Spotted Eagle: An Ethnographic Description of Traditional Lakota Life and CustomsLuther Standing Bear
The Stories of Canada's Frontier: Stories and Adventure of the Indians, Missionaries, Fur-Traders & Settlers of Western CanadaJulian Ralph
TESLA: Inventions, Researches and Writings: Lectures, Studies, Articles on Experiments, Inventions, Patents & Letters with AutobiographyNikola Tesla5