Wonder Women directed by Anjali Menon stars Nadiya Moidu, Nithya Menen, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Padmapriya Janakiraman, Sayanora Philip, Archana Padmini, and Amruta Subhash. The story revolves around women, who come from different circumstances and varied socio-economic backgrounds and find a way to connect and support each other at a particularly bewildering and overwhelming time in their lives. The film is dedicated to “the sisterhoods that support us.” Here's the full review by Anupama Chopra.
Wonder Women directed by Anjali Menon stars Nadiya Moidu, Nithya Menen, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Padmapriya Janakiraman, Sayanora Philip, Archana Padmini, and Amruta Subhash. The story revolves around women, who come from different circumstances and varied socio-economic backgrounds and find a way to connect and support each other at a particularly bewildering and overwhelming time in their lives. The film is dedicated to “the sisterhoods that support us.” Here's the full review by Anupama Chopra.
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