Explore the chilling events of the Tokyo Subway Sarin Gas Attack, orchestrated by the Aum Shinrikyo cult in 1995. Uncover the cult's motives, the city where the attack unfolded, and the profound impact on Japan's perspective on domestic terrorism. This episode reveals the harrowing details of the attack that left numerous casualties, reshaping the nation's approach to security.For more riveting true crime narratives, tune into Audio Pitara.
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Explore the chilling events of the Tokyo Subway Sarin Gas Attack, orchestrated by the Aum Shinrikyo cult in 1995. Uncover the cult's motives, the city where the attack unfolded, and the profound impact on Japan's perspective on domestic terrorism. This episode reveals the harrowing details of the attack that left numerous casualties, reshaping the nation's approach to security.For more riveting true crime narratives, tune into Audio Pitara.
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