Summary: From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life By Arthur C. Brooks: Key Takeaways, Summary & Analysis Brooks Bryant2
Cómo ganarse a la gente: Descubra los principios que siempre funcionan con las personas John C. Maxwell4.6
Hillbilly Elegy: The Internationally Bestselling Memoir from Trump’s Future Vice-President of the United States J. D. Vance4.2
Mentiras: 12 mitos sobre el cristianismo histórico que la izquierda quiere que creas Cristian Rodrigo Iturralde
Denise's Love for God's Creation: The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; But the earth He has given to the children of men (Psalms 115:16 NKJV) Sharon Johnson
From the Steeple to the Street: Innovating Mission and Ministry Through Fresh Expressions of Church Travis Collins
Rhythms of Restoration: Practicing Grief on the Path of Grace; A Field Guide of Mini-Retreats for the Hurting and Those Who Help Them Laura Beach