1. War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line David Nott
  2. A Ride Across Palestine & Other Short Stories: One of the most successful, respected and revered author of the Victorian Era Anthony Trollope
  3. Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape Raja Shehadeh
  4. La porta del sol Elias Khoury
  5. The Talisman Walter Scott
  6. Palestina anatomía de un genocidio VV.AA
  7. Le ferite ci raccontano Ziad Khaddash
  8. Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics Marc Lamont Hill
  9. Gaza: A Doctor's Diary Salman Khalid
  10. Breve historia del conflicto entre Israel y Palestina Ilan Pappe
  11. Quaranta giorni Valerio Massimo Manfredi
  12. Constitution of Palestine: A Comprehensive Guide to Palestinian Governance and Legal Principles Palestinian National Authority
  13. Baladi: Palestine - a celebration of food from land and sea Joudie Kalla
  14. Palestine on a Plate: Memories from my mother's kitchen Joudie Kalla
  15. Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour Barbara W. Tuchman
  16. Comentario al libro de Josué Samuel Pérez Millos
  17. Underground to Palestine: And Other Writing on Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East I. F. Stone
  18. Palestine: History of a Lost Nation Karl Sabbagh
  19. Israel, Palestine and Peace: Essays Amos Oz
  20. Stories from Palestine: Narratives of Resilience Marda Dunsky
  21. Allenby's Gunners: Artillery in the Sinai & Palestine Campaigns , 1916–1918: Artillery in the Sinai & Palestine Camptaings, 1916–1918 Alan H. Smith
  22. Palestine: The Ottoman Campaigns of, 1914–1918 Edward J. Erickson
  23. With 6th Airborne Division in Palestine, 1945–1948 Dare Wilson
  24. The Battle for Justice in Palestine Ali Abunimah
  25. Palestine: A Socialist Introduction
  26. Nel paese di Gesù. Ricordi di un viaggio in Palestina Matilde Serao
  27. A Ride Across Palestine Anthony Trollope
  28. The Lanterns of the King of Galilee Ibrahim Nasrallah
  29. Yusif Sayigh: Arab Economist and Palestinian Patriot: A Fractured Life Story
  30. Jerusalem without God: Portrait of a Cruel City Paola Caridi
  31. The Woman from Tantoura Radwa Ashour
  32. Mapping My Return Salman Abu Sitta
  33. Fractured Destinies Rabai al-Madhoun
  34. My First and Only Love Sahar Khalifeh
  35. Egypt's Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis: My Testimony Ahmed Aboul Gheit
  36. The Inheritance Sahar Khalifeh
  37. The Dream: A Diary of a Film Mohammad Malas
  38. Velvet Huzama Habayeb
  39. Time of White Horses Ibrahim Nasrallah
  40. Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History Nur Masalha
  41. La rosa Emilia Pardo Bazan
  42. A Ride Across Palestine Anthony Trollope
  43. La piccola araba Mariam di Gesù Crocifisso Amédée Brunot
  44. El cielo está incompleto: cuaderno de viaje en Palestina Irmgard Emmelhainz
  45. Toward a Critical Rhetoric on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
  46. Corona di spine Luisa Macina Gervasio
  47. Prophets without Honor: The 2000 Camp David Summit and the End of the Two-State Solution Shlomo Ben-Ami
  48. The Future of Palestine: How Discrimination Hinders Change Tamar Haddad
  49. 40 cappotti e un bottone Ivan Sciapeconi
  50. Storia di un abito inglese e di una mucca ebrea Suad Amiry