Enfócate para ser excepcional: "¡Transforma tu preparación con Enfócate para ser excepcional! Accede a lecciones de audio que maximizan tu rendimiento." Raimundo Calderón
Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo: Siga estas leyes, y la gente lo seguirá a usted John C. Maxwell4.6
El lado positivo del fracaso: Cómo convertir los errores en puentes hacia el éxito John C. Maxwell4.6
Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living Shauna Niequist4
Lidera con tu intuición: Cómo puedes alcanzar el éxito aprovechando el poder de tus valores, sentimientos e instinto John Townsend4.1
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life Mark Manson4.2
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success Amy Morin4.3
The Seven Frequencies of Communication: The Hidden Language of Human Connection Erwin Raphael McManus
A Joosr Guide to… Work Rules! By Laszlo Bock: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead Joosr3
A Joosr Guide to… The Rules to Break by Richard Templar: A Personal Code for Living Your Life, Your Way Joosr1
A Joosr Guide to... The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels Joosr
14 Essential Habits of Self-Made Millionaires: Mastering the Mindset of Wealth Creation Ranjot Singh Chahal
A Joosr Guide to… First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently Joosr3
A Joosr Guide to... The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich Joosr4.7
A Joosr Guide to... Good to Great by Jim Collins: Why Some Companies Make the Leap - and Others Don't Joosr3
A Joosr Guide to… Start with Why by Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action Joosr4
Summary of The ONE Thing: by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan | Includes Analysis: by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan | Includes Analysis IRB Media3.3