1. The Science of Curling: technical, physical and practical aspects, with special focus on the development of young athletes Boris Seidl
  2. A History of Skiing - A Concise Essay on this Popular Winter Sport Including its History, Equipment, Different Styles and Techniques E. Wroughton
  3. The Colorado Mountain Companion: A Potpourri of Useful Miscellany from the Highest Parts of the Highest State John Fayhee
  4. Iditarod Adventures: Tales from Mushers Along the Trail Lew Freedman
  5. Racing Toward Recovery: The Extraordinary Story of Alaska Musher Mike Williams Sr. Lew Freedman
  6. Skiing Success: Techniques for Slopes and Trails Zane Ryder
  7. The Mighty Oak Jeff W. Bens
  8. Dancing on Ice: A Concise Essay on this Classic Winter Sport Including its Origin, Popular Music Choices and Useful Information and Diagrams on Specific Skating Techniques - With Emphasis on the Waltz Ernest Law
  9. Celtic: The Official History Brian Wilson
  10. Fast into the Night: A Woman, Her Dogs, and Their Journey North on the Iditarod Trail Debbie Clarke Moderow
  11. Skating on Ice - A Concise Essay on this Popular Winter Sport Including its History, Literature and Specific Techniques with Useful Diagrams Edgar Syers
  12. The Call of the Wild Jack London
  13. The Expedition: Two Parents Risk Life and Family in an Extraordinary Quest to the South Pole Chris Fagan
  14. Coinvolgere per crescere. Indicazioni per dirigenti e società sportive (Quaderno n°8) Giacomo Abate
  15. Il dirigente accompagnatore. Bellezza e responsabilità del mettersi a fianco Maurizio Cadrega
  16. Con le scarpe comode: Quattro chiacchiere di corsa con i giovani sportivi Alessio Albertini
  17. Hockey Moms: The Heart of the Game Theresa Bailey
  18. Winterlust: Finding Beauty in the Fiercest Season Bernd Brunner
  19. Falling From the Sky: A Gravity Novel Sarina Bowen
  20. The Call of the Wild Jack London
  21. 9 Athletes to Watch in the 2018 Winter Olympics Kit Ramgopal
  22. Spiritual Adventures in the Snow: Skiing & Snowboarding as Renewal for Your Soul Dr. Marcia McFee
  23. The Darcie Boleyn Holiday Romance Collection Darcie Boleyn
  24. Unforgiving: Lessons from the Fall Lindsey Jacobellis
  25. Hockey Training at Home: AI Based Hockey Training Programs Jukka Aro
  26. Hockey Practices for the Younger Players Jukka Aro
  27. Swedish Hockey Drills for Kids Jukka Aro
  28. Sports Audio Books Bundle: Ice Hockey, Tennis, Poker, Bridge, Yachting and Jump Rope Workout My Ebook Publishing House
  29. 9 Athletes to Watch in the 2018 Winter Olympics Kit Ramgopal
  30. Epic Solitude: A Story of Survival and a Quest for Meaning in the Far North Katherine Keith
  31. Gold from Iron: A Humble Beginning, Olympic Dreams, and the Power in Getting Back Up Nick Baumgartner
  32. Skiing Around The World: Launching Oneself From Places On Top Of The Planet! Owen Jones
  33. Skiing: The Ultimate Guide to learn Skiing Ryan M. Swan
  34. PUSH: Breaking through the Barriers Johnny Quinn
  35. Esquiando Alrededor Del Mundo: Lanzarse Desde Lugares En La Cima Del Planeta Owen Jones
  36. Black Ice: The Val James Story Valmore James
  37. Anchorages & Marinas from Martinique to Guadeloupe: Martinique, Dominica, Les Saintes, Marie-Galante, Guadeloupe Roland Nyns
  38. Sciare In Tutto Il Mondo: Lanciarsi Dai Luoghi Più Alti Del Nostro Pianeta! Owen Jones
  39. Make It Go in the Snow: People and Ideas in the History of Snowmobiles Larry Jorgensen
  40. Extreme Winter Sports Bundle: 2 in 1 Bundle Ryan M. Swan
  41. The History of Curling - A Concise Essay on this Popular Winter Sport Including its History, Principles and Rules Bertram Smith